Game Improvement list

“New” as in “newly added feature request”.


Ok Iv an idea, way outside the box

My Gnomapaloozas average give me:
Between. 13 and 22 vault keys and 0 to 4 epic vault keys.
Aswell as random jewels, chards, glory, gnome.

Can we please have in the forge , swap 4 verses for.
15 vault keys
2 epic vault keys.

This is a very fair exchange rate, as the game keeps all the extras, we would of got from a Gnomapalooza.

Any chance of this, being a possibility in the future.
@Kafka @Jeto

The better way is to use useless resources. I would recommend using 300 Treasure map + 300 Color Jewels (Verse Color) to get one Verse of your desire verse.

@Gandalfstormbringer that will never happen as for one it’s not a fair exchange. Majority of people do GaPs for key’s so the other resources are just meh as the massive nerf to the drops when running explore 1. More importantly you are increasing the key drop rate as the 15 minutes you spend getting the keys in the GaP will now be spent getting more verse gnomes so it’s not an equivalent.

Adding this: PvP Battle count - Feature Requests and Game feedback - Gems of War | Forums Great idea from @ShellM

  1. Add silver star PvP battle progress to be shown in “choose battle” PvP screen.

  2. Re-organise the victory cards screen to make it clearer to see rewards gained. Maybe make common rewards like gold, souls, treasure maps and glory fixed and show the others in one or two rows so they can easily be seen, with prioirty changed to be in line with what players want to see most, at the right-hand end (so gnome rewards, valraven sigils, silver marks, etc).


Some things I’d like to see implemented (please ignore if some points are intended by design or in current state due to system limitations)

  • saving a team also saves medals
  • option to go directly to next battle in pet battles/explore etc
  • difficulty slider for explorer instead of current option
  • class exp progress on screen
  • reordering teams by dragging instead of arrows
  • search tab in underworld and banner screen
  • checking a player in pvp ladders shows the team used
  • pvp map more zoomed out
  • option to select from own teams for pet battle
  • spells autocast with one enemy troop remaining
  • option to cancel spell at target selection if cast by mistake

How about, classes go to 200
Give each class an individual amazing trait.
And obviously all battles we’ve done since 100 level, the experience automatically added.

This would give the awful classes a boost, aslong as you give them an amazing level 200 trait.

For instance warpriest level 200 trait, on a 5 gem match , 50% chance to kill Daemon hero.

Just an example.

Also, can we please have an Apocalypse kingdom pleeeeseee.

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Would it be possible to please add a Timer, to reap the tributes of each hour? It’s hugely missed!

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I agree, I miss it

bump it plz

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Plus Add an ability to trade between the players so they can exchange copies of their cards, pet food, etc…

Well, they sell things like Stellarix so, not going to happen.


Unluckily for us :sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy:

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They could always limit the things we’re allowed to trade or gift - but they surely won’t do it regardless.

I would also rather have them focus on other things like fixing pvp scoring and journey…


Happy cake day mr. cake lover.

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bump this masterpiece

This is a great list. I really hope the devs are seeing it and working on everything here.
I’d suggest also changing the way backing out of stuff works, so you always go back one level, rather than all the way to the map screen, and maybe having a long press exit all the way back to the map. It’s weird and annoying to go several levels into one menu and have to press exit half a dozen times to get back to the map, and go several levels into another and try to go back one level only to find it’s exited to the map and I may have to go all the way back if I didn’t want to.

Scrap the rng nonsense. Targeted dragon eggs and sentinel dupe protection at the very least. Sick to death of rng and player feedback being ignored


I updated the list with your comments. Thank you


I’d love to cast spells on double tap on the troop instead of having to tap in 2 different spots (first troop then button)

and higher count buttons for gold keys and glory.
at least 10k gold keys / glory per click would be nice.