This is well-known, and should realistically or hopefully be fairly straightforward.
Playing lots of PvP jumps you to the front of the defence queue – i.e. the teams that are shown to other players in PvP – just like Tinder!!!
At face value, I’m okay with that.
However, if I’ve already beaten a particular player’s team (or swiped left on a profile on Tinder), I don’t want to see that person’s team again for at least a day, or whatever reset period is deemed appropriate, unless they’ve changed their line-up (‘profile pictures’…).
- Note that changing banner, class, talent, or Troop order does not count as a different team, in my (or any sensible person’s) books.
I’m considering making this a Bug Report, since it really doesn’t seem like it could be intended, or that a member of the development team has displayed an understanding of this occurring (for me, ~11 am AEST today).
My requests are as follows:
Make it so that defeated opponents are ineligible to be shown in PvP until a period of time has passed or their team has changed, even if they’re playing lots of PvP.
Change the criteria for what counts as a ‘different team’ for the current matchmaking variety filter
This was already discussed somewhat in PvP Diversity Issues :
As discussed in that thread, I would like the game to identify a team as different to another team if it contains 2 or more different Troops, regardless of Class, Banner, Troop order.
From the reverse perspective, I would like the game to identify a team as “the same” or “very similar” if it uses 3 of the same Troops.
This is per:
tl;dr: playing lots of PvP matches should not jump your defence to the front of the queue for other players if they’ve already beaten you recently. It seems like it overrides the matchmaking algorithm, and could possibly be a bug. I haven’t seen a dev comment on this aspect.