I made a video to celebrate which shows how I got there and what I’m doing now.
Feedback is always appreciated!!!
I made a video to celebrate which shows how I got there and what I’m doing now.
Feedback is always appreciated!!!
Congratulation!! Welcome to the club
Next step trait everything
Great vid. Helped me out with some things. Greatly appreciated!
Congrats! Best of luck with the traitstone grind. I am about 20 troops away from 100% maxed out traitstones and ascension. Traitstones take forever, but it speeds up quite a bit once specific colors are pretty much done.
In regards to traitfarmig I found this team to work best.
God that’s just stupid fast… oh how I wish I could edit existing YT vids lol
Oh well, always better to screw something up so others can help
I always learn new things from everybody here!!!
Did you give it a shot?
For farming I use Bombot. This team is most effective for players who already have the most kingdoms to PL5 and Mythic Bombots.
Deep Borer
Flame Cannon
Hero / Mechanist*** / Black Manacles
Brown x2 Banner
Because of Mechanist’s Fast to all Mechs and the dual Brown banner, a single Brown match fills Bombot. The subsequent AoE is so strong that the only things that will survive are Legendaries and Life Drain troops; in both cases, it’s simple work to fill one of the last two (also-Fast) troops for the kill. Most games end in two turns, some in 3-4.
I looked at the Mechanist class… not even traited! Oh well, looks like I have my work cut out for me!
It’s over, it’s over…
I use the same concept team (Mechanist with Imperial Jewel to catch all mana colors and mop up after the nuke), there is currently no Explore team that is faster if you’re farming traitstones.
PROTIP: use the Kraken Banner, you get +2 brown +1 blue, which helps both Bombot and Deep Borer.
Wait what? That’s my modified Tacet team.
I also have a modified Bul’T one too for explore (No Soul Farming)
Bul’T, Mercy, Siren, Siren (Play according to the board)
I don’t bother to farm explore instead I pvp grind and collect tributes as much as I can to glory grind and just try to buy as much as feasible for the color of the week. I have about 12-14 troops at this point remaining
Doing the same here on console and almost done only need 1 final trait of final troop
Oh so you own that team? Let me see if its copy written. Yea I knew that WAS YOURS LOL
BulT you can do BulT/ triple Dust Devil
Filed the paper work and everything;) (In all seriousness Tacet gives some stellar foundation Teams and deserved the credit, as indicated above)
PS: Bul’T utilizing Dust Devil is one point of damage inferior per DD used (3) compared to Siren AND more importantly DD does not generate any mana. But if you like shuffling troops… then x3 DD
It was good for early game. I remember using it when I was like level 50 or so. So BulT damage did the bulk and if anything left over DD finished it off
Congrats on your achievement
WTG! That was a lot of hard work!
Good job. Welcome in the club