I feel embarrassed for having recommended this game

You know that is not true today the way it was true a year ago :slight_smile: Also you know I’m not really discussing RNG. I’ve always appreciated RNG and I’m on the record saying it. But the balance has gone completely whacko.

OT: please make me a rule for hiding the delete button, I had to fight myself pressing it several times today :laughing:

No, it was, and people were loud about it then as they are now. It’s just easy to look back at the past and forget.

The only things that have changed are the following:

  1. Time has passed, and players are less forgiving of repeated mistakes, game balance or otherwise.
  2. Until now, it has never felt like the devs have ever taken anything away from us, resource-wise.

The latter point is what I believe to be most responsible for the current climate.


No Lyaa, you are conflating people’s recent complaints with my topic. We are all aware of changes to the gem distribution, some intentional, some through bugs. You’re moving this OT IMO.

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Not intentionally, my apologies. Your feelings notwithstanding – and I don’t mean to disregard them, you are of course entitled to them – the complaints about game balance and the random nature of what feels like it should be a tactical game go all the way back to when I started playing in early 2015.

No, my issue is that my videos introduce people to a game they basically hate, and then I hear about it and take abuse. Not to over-reduce it but really that’s it.

Understood. Sounds like you would be best served by removing them, then, if it is causing you hardship.


It is a much more complicated issue than simply that. Ugh… I over reduced which I regret.

It’s as complicated as you wish to make it, then. Best of luck with your decision.

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Ya know fwiw i agree with @Lyya here

If people are hating on you for your videos you have 2 choices

  1. Take them down
  2. Ignore them and do what makes you happy

How about this: hypothetically speaking, would there be any unfortunate consequences to the company by doing so? Do you think it is so simple, and people won’t jump all over that decision to ram it in the dev’s faces at every opportunity? Or do you think it really is as simple as taking down videos for a game I currently do not recommend. Seriously I’m asking you, because I have always valued your opinion, but you don’t seem to be really giving this topic anything but short-shrift.

If you are putting the company’s needs ahead of your own, I suggest you stop. They aren’t paying you and you owe them nothing.


6 hours bro

Destiny 2 is on the horizon. Leave gow for awhile and emerse yourself in a different world.

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I’m trying to find a balance really. I used to love the game and support it. I don’t any more but I might yet again. But that over-simplifies things…I don’t want to punish them or put on a huge performance. Or give the trolls fodder for their insanity.

I’ve got a big backlog of Steam game to finish, no more new ones!

That ^^^

Look man, I have a YT channel myself and I did lots of videos for a FTP Android/Facebook zombie game. The game was fairly popular back in the day but I never tought that I was giving any more or less time to the company or that the company was getting profit from my videos in any way, I just did them because I was having fun making it.
So in the end, you should think if making GoW videos is fun for YOU or not.

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Thanks for sharing your perspective. I get that what I do with my channel is my business and I am well within my right to do what I want.

I had no idea that when I started doing what I was doing that it would take on a life of its own. And now I have this… thing… and I have to deal with it, and just turning it off isn’t as one-sided as it is being made out.

Not to drag Lyaa back into this, but imagine a hypothetical situation where she turned off ashtender one day, which is her right to do. I actually think that site has done more for players than I have by a long shot and no intention to compare what we do, I’m just talking about the principal of removing something, like it or not, that has become part of the fabric of this game. Especially under such acrimonious conditions as are present with the recent game changes.

Whether others are sensitive to it or not, I absolute know removing all my videos will have many consequences that are not readily apparent. And again, I have no desire to punish this game or the company.

Perhaps I am overthinking it. It is a real possibility. I do thank you for adding your voice.


What are you worried about with removing your videos @KrudlerTheHorse?

People being mad?

My advice… Dont worry about that. You dont know these ppl irl so why sweat it.

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Despite being a fairly new player, i just play for about 4 months, i totally agree with your opinion. The game already had a few bugs, but since the last update, it feels like the game choose the winner at the start of the battle. You only need to play 3 or 4 turns to know who will win the battle, and that’s very disapointing. Even if you win, it just feels empty!

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It has been really messy! Sever issues, guild wars issues, AI/gem algo issues. Yet there’s also only been, what, 3 updates in the 9 months since the December update?

I seem to recall a similar amount of outrage with 2.0 and the original changes to guild tasks. We got through that, and the game was back to being great for a while. I like choosing to see the glass half full.

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Oh man I must have blocked all of that out. I forgot about Mongo and his ilk! Yes, this game has been in constant upheaval for maybe 6 months. It is getting so hard to weather the constant thrashing about.