How does Honor's last trait work?

Jarl, Hellcat, Mab, Courage.

Mab is just there to look good and freeze? Seems a shame to not have skull generation

Yup. Sometimes you fill her incidentally, but it’s rare that you’d get the benefit of an extra turn as you’re trying to keep the board red and yellow.

Courage can generate skulls. He can target skulls just like any color mana.


I still prefer Bone Dragon since the freeze hits top opponent and prevents massive skull matches

Bone Dragon
Giant Spider

Very versatile. Some matches I never cast Courage, just the passive 3rd trait (along with BD massive skull generation) is enough to plow through. And pretty much any color heavy board will work:

Yellow → Hellcat → Red → Courage
Blue or Green → Spider → Purple → Bone Dragon
Purple or Brown → Bone Dragon
Red → Courage

And if all goes to hell, Giant Spider makes fodder to keep the opponent at bay

Most interesting match was against Gorgotha, Draakulis, and Salad Dragon. He kept my BD snared, so attack bonus never added. Instead I built up Hellcat then let BD die. By that point cat was over 200 attack and sliced right through his Draakulis even though it was over 150 life by then.

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Been thinking of buying enough Bunni (event troop on console) to trait Bone Dragon. Think I will; tired of storing everything at this stage.

Seems like I want a skull gen, mab, jarl, courage and valk all in the same team… now imagining all the ridiculous 5 troop teams that could be created

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Yeah, I hear you. Loyalty is a pretty cool one if you are fighting an enemy with leader health debuffs, but even that is still fairly situational; not to mention the perpetual vexation of mana generating for the enemy…

Granted, most of the mono-mana arcanes are aplenty, but they still take some effort to acquire. There isn’t much to spend them on, as few troops require them for traiting. Nevertheless, I’m not sure if 30 eggs in one basket is optimal… but I digress.