Hoard Quality increased from 50% to 300%

We was discussing this on FD as well Avathar. And we all found it little bit strange :grin:
Ain’t that right bobo :joy:

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Yeah clearly I should be more in the know of my individual members renown. :man_shrugging:

Since when is not being nosey…“strange”???

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It’s all good @Demigod & @awryan. I did wonder at 1st, but then realized that it’s hard enough keeping up with my own stats, much less a family of guilds’ stats! Heck, just keeping up a team on the pc and the xbox is a challenge.
So, to append my previous statement… Gratz to all you nerds/nerdettes, regardless of platform, who have pure factioned all the delves, thusfar!


On top of the Faction issue. The pets are not spread out in a way NOT to Frank the player over.

Come next week…Must Of Scales can’t be Max Kingdom Star Powered unless the player also has Dark Pits at 2500. :roll_eyes:

Troops, Traits, Pets, Classes - they are all possible gates to kingdom advancement

Should there not be some sort of reward/benefit from time to time (and for a limited time window) for sinking a couple of thousand gems into an event?

Consider that we are talking about Max Kingdom power level - so most of the other gates have been passes already (or you are stuck at one on the way to Max Kingdom power, then the Pet one doesn’t matter right now and things could easily change by the time you get to this specific gate)

Provided that there are ongoing pet releases (or hopefully some sort of pure faction delve solution) why should this gate removed rather than allow some players to have something a little bit extra for a period of time?

Also want to share what you are thinking that people are going to spend the extra 400 daily gold on? Save it for 2500 days to get an LT or perhaps put it towards a hoard?

Yes, gates are a game design element (one I am not really a fan of), but this gate leads to nowhere, so, meh!

Feels like good design to me, gives those players who manage to get Dark Pits to 2500 a slight benefit until the next Mist of Scales pet is introduced. There’s already a few who completed the faction, up to now they only had bragging rights, a small extra reward can’t hurt. I’m really only annoyed by kingdom power gated by weapons I don’t want to upgrade, due to the “upgrade” making the weapon perform worse.

I guess I’ll answer my own Question 90 days later.



Bonjour felicitation et avec quelle équipe vous l’avez obtenu s’il vous plait?

great job @awryan ! finally! would you mind sharing your team and strategy please?