Help me with making a good defense!

So I’ve spent about 20 bucks on this game and from doing some reading I’ve realized I’ve gotten incredibly lucky with the monsters I’ve been able to summon. My current team is Gorgotha, Kerberos, Gloom Leaf, Rowanne. I’m happy with the first three but I feel like I can replace Rowanne with something better. Let me know what looks good.

Here is a video showing all my monsters. Let me know what you think might be better team for me. I am currently playing this on the PS4.

Switch location of Gloom leaf and Kerberos. Replace Rowanne with Dryad.

I played you earlier today while Ranking up in PvP!

Your Team is good, but I got Valkyrie charged on my first turn and I turned half the board Blue, charging up Shadow-Hunter, Behemoth and Druid so your Team had no chance to show itself to me.

With the cards you mentioned, I’d do;

Gloom Leaf
Deep Borer (Brown Mana generator, charges with Red/Blue)

Use a Banner with a Brown bonus (Zaejin is Brown/Green, Khaziel is Brown/Brown)

I use a similar set-up with Deep Borer;

Gloom Leaf
Deep Borer
Keeper of Souls

I use my level 10 Khaziel’s Banner

Thanks for the reply! My team actually works around Gorgotha. If Gorgotha can get going the game is pretty much dead! If I switch Gorgotha with Kerberos I find that my team will be going at a much slower pace (due to Kerberos and Gorgotha both needing brown). I’ll try and add Deep Borer and see how that works. Thanks for the reply!

Thanks for the reply. I’ll try that out. Perhaps putting Gloom Leaf in the second position will give my team a faster stopping power. I feel like as soon as Gloom Leaf can activate his ability he gets stupidly powerful. Doing it twice is usually game.