So, it seems GW are finally here… There are still some things I don’t know and would like to know before I finally decide on my teams.
Maybe @Saltypatra, @Sirrian, @Nimhain can provide the answers? This are the 3 I consider the most important:
Q: Do I get points for successfully defending?
Q: If my guild participates on week 1, skips week 2, then decides to participate again on week 3, will week 1 count as “previous week” for purposes of checking performance and assigning Guild War Ranks?
Q: To get full color bonus points in a match, do the troops need to be there at the start of the battle, or just at the end? I mean, if I started with 4 troops of the featured color, but ended the battle with less than 4 of the color, do I get the full bonus? And what if I start the battle with 3 troops of the right color, then finish the battle with 4 troops of the color after some summoning?
It looks like it’s pretty much useless to attack with your normal/favorite team, as the color bonuses are crazy high. This means that you’re gonna need 6 new attack teams, one for each color.
Since you’ll also, most likely, need a defense team against that colors attack team, that’s another 6 teams.
But I already had my teams setup… Does this mean I have to delete 12 of my teams???
That sounds kinda harsh
Depends on your definition of “crazy high” but I noticed that the % were around 1000 at first, but they’ve dropped to a more sensible 50% now for around level 100 statues.
They thought about giving us more slots, but something went wrong at some point. I’d say take note of the ones you have now (maybe use ashtender and save the links?), then put them back when (if?) you have those slots.
I’m not sure how important changing up the defense teams is going to be. Other than a couple troops that hate on colors like Amira or Ironbeard I think making something pilotable by the moronic AI is more important. So maybe only 7 team slots? Six separate attackers is very real though.
Hmm that’s higher than I’m seeing on mine. This is in the Schedual tab yes? We’re looking at about 10% per level for my guild. Maybe lower level statues give higher bonuses to help smaller guilds compete?