Guild Wars Reimagined

That’s how I feel but I also don’t feel like sticking it out to see what they may change next time. They don’t have a good track record of implementing suggestions. This is probably the final straw for me.

I’d have cared less if they didn’t tie exclusive rewards to this game mode, i.e. shiny tokens for shiny legendary troop.


What is unclear to me is how guild GMs or other guild members can check the scores of their team mates. After all, it is a bit hard to improve as a guild or become a top GW guild if you cannot set targets and check whether players meet them.

Also, I dislike strongly that the internal competition is no longer possible that way. Our internal fight for paragon was to some players more important than the end result in old GW, and created much of the community feeling of it.


So how about hero class and weapon restriction? Just like current PvP? FYI, that is no restriction at all for hero class. Kingdom and color restriction applies to weapon, creature type restriction has no effect on weapon.

If that is the case, assuming the first GW attacker restriction is Broken spire kingdom, mentioned by some post above, we will be able to use: Any hero class with a Broken spire weapon on attack; Any hero class with any weapon when defending places other than palace; Any hero class with color of the keep weapon when defending palace.


There appears to be an error in the helpdesk article: Guild Wars – Gems of War Support

Tier 2 & 3 for the yellow keep are the same. According the images about Tier 3 should be: Observatory (Centaurs), Barracks (Knights), Temple (Divine)

There’s another error in the scoring table:
2 Troops* alive at the end of the battle appears twice, once for 3 point and the second for 10 points, I think the second occurrence should be for 4 troops.


Again, if it’s not mentioned above then probably safe to assume it’s not in GW - so no, there is no relation between Immortals and Keeps.

Yes it would work like PvP and they would be autochanged - but given the restrictions in teams and such, I still need to follow up on this.

As mentioned, there is a link at the bottom of the blog, that takes you to the game guide article, which is simplified

Yes, there are. I’m not 100% sure if they are all changing in 8.4 or more will be changed later in 8.5.

They are planned to be added to Guild Chests, also still confirming if that’s from 8.4 or soon after.


I hate to be a broken record, but also squeaky wheel gets the grease :downcast_face_with_sweat:. Why is that still the case?

I assume the Guild Wars update has taken a lot of dev time but if the Wand of Stars/Stellarix nerf would also affect GW, wouldn’t it make sense to finally re-balance them before it affects another game mode? We’re coming up on 9 months since the change was implemented.

It makes me think this could have been an viable fix for Journey troops if this long of a temporary fix is OK. They could have been autochanged in PvP defenses for a year or two while they were correctly balanced, instead of immediately nerfing them and making them useless for every game mode.


Correct me if I’m wrong @Jeto (and I’d love to hear an official update on this), but I think it was mentioned that the upcoming Bastion system later this year would help to balance Stellarix, Wand of Stars, and other looping troops.

Is the plan to reintroduce Stella and WoS to PvP/GW after Bastions are released?


That is just a general… I need to follow up on what’s happening with them.


I see that Shiny tokens for the new Shiny Legendary are rewards in GW, but how do we get the troop itself?

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The Legendary Troop is one that already exists, but can now have Shiny levels.


I see, thank you.

Please ensure that the Guild Wars troops work like Guild Guardians. Once all are Mythic rarity and have 4 copies of each then a player is unable to get them. Otherwise you’d be nerfing guild chests.

It would be tremendously easier just to put them in Gold Chests since there tie to Guild Wars is severed therefore they have nothing to do with Guilds anymore.


So…shiny Sheggra?:scream:

But honestly, as long as the troop doesn’t completely break the game, it lets us support the game more, even if completionists like myself will never be able to get this one (or any other shiny troops) to level 3.


Hi @Jeto, Did you guys include an easier way for us to test defense teams? Lots of newer players have never even put a defense team together before and they’re going to need a safe place to practice. TIA


That is feedback shared already, as currently there isn’t a way to test your defence teams.


Via the central spire attack you can set a defence so others may practice, but it’s not very comfortable


Agree - not comfortable!

All we need - is a practice dummy - an a menu with all unlocked cards so we can equip them at a dummy and attack it


yeah. im normally the summarise explain to guild guy. theres too much to read here.


^ there is this ^