Update 8.4 Guild Wars Reforged Patch Notes

Update 8.4 sees the return of Guild Wars, but we have fully reimagined and redesigned the system.

How Often Will Guild Wars Run?

The good news is that we’ve built the new Guild Wars to be quite flexible, so a given event can run from 2-10 days, and it is not tied to the weekly rotation of other events.

That said, everything in these patch notes refers to a Guild War that runs for 4 days – which is how we are going to introduce them. Initially, the plan is to replace Arena Weekends with Guild War events that run from Thursday to Sunday. This will allow us to gather feedback from everyone as we balance and adjust the system. After that, we’ll look to adjust the length and frequency of Guild War events to make it the most fun it can be.

Each day of a Guild War event will see your Guild facing off against another Guild to see who can score the most points and win. Each win will increase your Guild’s Rating on the leaderboard, while each loss will cost your Guild some Rating.

As for Arena Events – they’ll probably get a rework at some point in the future and return – but we do not have anything to announce at this time.

Is There Anything Unique About Guild War Events?

Guild War Events have a couple of unique elements to keep each one fresh.

Firstly, each Guild War has an “Attacker Restriction” in place (don’t worry – defenders also have restrictions to keep it fair). This might be Troop Color, Troop Kingdom, or Troop Type. We have no plans at present to double these up and make complex restrictions that are difficult for forming teams.

Also, each Guild War introduces a Shiny Legendary Troop. You can win Shiny Tokens for this Troop in the Guild Wars reward track. Tokens for these new Shiny Legendaries will go into Shiny Chests 2-3 months after the event.

Please Note: That the first Guild Wars event will be taking place next week after the update’s release. This is to allow Guilds a chance to set up their Keeps or decide to opt-out of the event if they do not wish to participate.

We have 2 new Achievements for this update:

  • Talkin’ ‘Bout A Revolution: Be in a Guild that wins the day in a Guild War.
  • Tangled: Destroy 100 Entangle Gems.

Existing broken achievements are still going to be addressed and updated in future. Currently hoping for 8.5 but that is to be confirmed.

It is not as simple as just editing the text for the existing achievements and linking them to a new task.

  • Updated the Guild Popup Menu to match the new UI style, and added Guild Wars as a permanent option on the left-side of the menu.
  • Updated Polymetis’ spell icon art.
  • A new set of Dragonite Dragons, and their weapons will be going into the Soulforge with the weekly Reset.
  • Updated the Guild Activity screen to include new Guild Wars features

  • Skipping past the Wandering Merchant system popups by repeatedly pressing A on the Load Screen.
  • Comic panels would slide in twice during the Tutorial quests.
  • Completing all 3 Tasks in a Campaign would sometimes not let you select the Bronze Task if you play with a controller
  • Added safeguards and fixes to improve stability on XBOX.
  • Resolved some issues with the in-game Store on XBOX.
  • Soft lock in Daily Plunder
  • Among other smaller issues

  • Notifications not being sent
    • We are still working on getting this issue resolved, has been delayed due to past fixes not being compatible with the server.
  • In the Guild Wars Rewards screen where the bonus reward text (the blue text under the individual Victory rewards), is not including bonus morale from the Leaderboard.
    • This is a visual issue only, and collecting the rewards will give the correct amount.
  • Promotion pop-up for Guild members not appearing
  • Class icon missing from Guild roster intermittently
  • Battles against a Keep Guardian will display the last player as an honor option
  • Victory screen remains when pressing continue
    • There is a workaround, restarting the game will fix the issue.
  • Daily War ending timer missing text
    • Sometimes resolves by going out and back into the Guild screen
  • Keep locations change scale
    • Visual issue only
  • Guild Wars menu UI changes scale when accessing Global Chat
    • Visual issue only
  • When rank 1-3 Guild members change maps, there can be misaligned assets on the new Keep map
    • Visual issue only

Attention Switch players: Due to some delays with Nintendo, the Guild Wars Medallion offer will not be available for the first Guild Wars event.


does this mean update this week or next, it can be read both ways. so long as wars comes after update

1 Like

Update is going out now.
So GW is next week, the 28th


thank you, i will close my game and wait for the update

The new achievements aren’t showing on the xbox.

Hmm notification is still NOT fixed!!!


More dragons? Right before guild wars?

Alright, alright. Next week, let’s get the party started.:tada:


Lol .. This is unreal.


finally something to spend my 18k dragonite on


I am not sure if it’s mentioned in the patch notes, pvp teams with immortals not saving seemed to have been fixed.

Ok I spoke too soon. NOT fixed!!!
I am so disappointed in this update.


I was looking for immortals being properly saved in the bug fixes too, and yep, we are still going to have the same problem. I have to have about 4 open team slots at the top of my selection just to deal with it.


they should be appearing now or will be shortly.


Confirmed, I can see them now.

Will the old guild troops that are being added to the guild chests have a maximum drop rate like the guardian troops or will guild chests be nerfed going forward due to these troops taking up valuable drops indefinitely?


Hay nuevos dragones? No puedo verlos y en las notas no dice nada

right here


Why would You ADD this bug on purpose? Now trophy farming takes longer and therefore is less effective. I do a few 1000 trophies every week and never skipped a merchant animation by mistake. Only on purpose every time it’s not an angel or merchant. So it’s clearly not intended to stop people from doing that …



guess they really want people playing PvP :pensive_face:


@Jeto - is this really correct? Ie That a team in PVP including an immortal that does not meet restrictions but IS allowed because it is their region….gets wiped. Has still not been fixed?


Double that. Can’t skip any offer now until this slow ass animation has finished. Goodbye trophie hunters