Update 8.4 Guild Wars Reforged Patch Notes

Before you could skip these quickly on PC by clicking the ESC button and then confirming you want to cancel out of the offer. Now the ESC button doesn’t work until the entire animation has run. You didn’t fix a problem. You created a problem.


Kingdom tribute & pet notifications still don’t work.
Teams containing an immortal assigned to the given region but not meeting requirements are still wiped out.

How much longer…? I get it, GW, blah blah, new dragons, blah blah… but these two bugs are not just once in a blue moon incidents, they affect daily play at all times, every single second of every day! I thought such bugs were a priority… has that changed…?

I’m honestly disappointed that it doesn’t disappoint me any more… :frowning:


This also happens on Nintendo Switch as well. Not being able to cancel out of the genie and daemon offers, while waiting for the slower animations for the merchant and angel is irritating.

Moving around the world map is also slower. At this point, I just expect things to go wrong.

@Jeto Any hope of having these issues fixed? Or do we have to send individual bug reports?


Don’t get me wrong, there WAS a bug when you could skip out any kind of offer when mashing ESC, but it was SOLELY bug with Delve’s chest animation and never ever happened anywhere else.

There’s one crucial piece of information missing: how much a flower dragon egg will cost next Monday. 400 dragonites would be a nice commercial gesture for everyone.

obviously from the previous iterations it will be 600 (dia 500 based, stella 550, no reason to downgrade)

If The Explore Bug doesn’t get solved immediately, the majority won’t be here anymore to see Guild Wars or the new set of dragons …



So, this means we must opt-out of GW instead of opting in to avoid having to play? I’ve got to remember to opt out in time? My guild is too small to participate in this particular event, and our participation would only frustrate serious GW players. Someone kindly correct me if I’ve misunderstood the announcement (or confirm that I’ve understood it).

I’m sure there’s no issue with simply not playing it.

Looking at the personal rewards in the Guild Wars Reimagined article, it looks like it’d still be worth participating in Guild Wars to claim the individual rewards for winning attack battles – orbs, burning marks, shiny keys etc – even if you’re not competitive for the you-won-the-day guild rewards.

I believe the intent of the ELO ranking is that guilds should shake out to appropriate rankings more quickly, and that over time that should reduce the number of elephant-vs-mouse matchups.


For the first Guild Wars event, all Guilds by default will be opted in.

If you do not want to participate, you can just opt-out.

If you don’t opt out, you will remain signed up for any Guild Wars events, till you opt out.

If you do opt-out, it’s as simple as opting back in before the next event starts.

And if you decide you just want to stay signed up for GW again, there is a check box that can be ticked, which will leave your Guild opted-in for all future Guild Wars events until someone opts out again.
So you don’t need to opt in every time.

You can just stay signed up for GW and not play. Either stay in, not play, and have a chance to be defeated.. or don’t play and your leaderboard score will decay while you are inactive.

Staying in gives the option for anyone in a Guild to choose if they want to defend/attack and a chance for some extra rewards.
The more people in your Guild, the more rewards they have a chance at earning and a better chance to win.


Everyone on this game should just stop playing GoW and PQ3 immediately until there are no bugs left. Maybe it’s time to move on and let this game RIP …


And here I am still without Stella… guess I wont see any new dragons for a long time unless I abandon trying to get Stella


New weapons?? Cant see anything in spoilers, unless im missing something.

The Taranium has weapon spoilers: Seed Striker, Flowering Thorn, Heaven’s Barb

They’re not very good at all, putting it nicely.

True Thoughts

Those 3 weapons are so incredibly trash that players would be better off with nothing at all, so at least we wouldn’t have to pay Dragonite for nothing. Whoever thought “Cleanse myself, then inflict 9 stacks of bleed randomly to the Enemy team” was a good idea must have been the same person that 20 mana to create 4 Blue Dragon Gems was a great idea.

Likewise, half magic minimum damage to a single target in 2025 is so absurdly bad. Even with Faerie Fire, you’re better off just taking a regular weapon that did more.. like hit 2+ targets, all enemies, or tear armor. Even some of the Immortal Weapons which are mostly overpriced 1 color weapons can do up to 2x magic.


Ah I see them now, well we will see after all the upgrade abilities are there, maybe theyll throw a quick trait or vorpal or both maybe or something unique like reduce daily grind by three hours ,but yeah look pretty trash, shame :frowning: .

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explores and delves are unbearable now with all the constant, infuriatingly slow, unskippable, worthless demon/genie/whatever pop-ups. should’ve known they’d ruin the last part of this game I could just zone out and enjoy

this game gets worse with every update


I’d just like to know if there are plans to undo that “bug” asap. Otherwise I’d be looking for another game where I can level up to VIP 12 (and later on VIP 20) instead. Then I would stop after daily stuff already and spend a few 1000,- over the years somewhere else. Unfortunately this “bug” hasn’t even been acknowledged yet and people feel ignored and let down already …


Thanks for the clarification on my not having to opt out each time the event rolls around. My opting out is more of a courtesy to other players since there are fewer than 3 members in my guild against whom they can compete :laughing:

Just a note as weekly reset tonight is when the first Guild Wars prep phase starts to begin for everyone’s Guilds.

This means that you may not instantly be able to set your Keep right at reset. This is not a bug, please just be patient and check back in a little later.