Guild Wars Reimagined

So now we need to come up with 5 new defenses and attack teams every single Wars to match restrictions? (we used to be able to just use our same old 6 defenses and attacks, with minor tweaks as required)

As a non-top-competitive player, sounds dreadful. :skull_and_crossbones:

Sidequestion: anyone can clarify what happens if one of the locations has zero defenders assigned?
:thinking: :vulcan_salute:

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Then the guardian team will be automatically signed to that location.


Thanks :pray: :vulcan_salute:

This will be fun trying to explain it to guild mates who don’t often visit even the guild chat… And thanks for the formula, I was hoping to see a picture of a car, I don’t understand a thing about that thingy…


Am I reading this correctly, that the guild/player chooses which posts it throws it’s players? Why not just use the old inside guild ranking system and automatically fill the spots by placing high scoring players to defend the palace and other spots near it? If the system would throw one player to each building at first there wouldn’t be empty spots unless there are not enough players in the guild…

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You can use some tactics in defence team distribution. If you have no stella - you don’t need to set def in dragons for example - or similar problems with a lack of cards. It’s too complicated to master, i suppose, but if it’s just for fun - it would be fun

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From what I understand, there is only 1 defense team that will remain the entire GW event. You choose a location to defend and that location will have a restriction - for example Mech. Your mech team stays in that location for defense the entire GW.

The attack restriction will be the same for the entire GW - for example Broken Spire and you can tweak this team as long as it conforms to the Broken Spire restriction. (It’s not locked in for all your battles)

The Gate will always be defended by the Keep’s Guardian which is currently at level 20 to make it easier on lower level players. The rest of the locations are open for players to defend and if it is left empty then the Keep’s Guardian will also defend those locations.


I really hope a lot of this information is included in the game, either as a help pop-up, or made clear on the pages/menus themselves, because for those players not on this forum, it’s gonna be really hard to understand a lot of what’s going on.
I normally try to summarize updates in guild chat, but there’s too much here to do that, and I’ve just had to give up. This is gonna put a lot of players off playing, especially if rewards are a) underwhelming and b) dependent on having a full guild where everyone plays and wins, everyday (and possibly also scores high by doing specific things while battling that might be impossible with certain restrictions).
Not to mention, this is all on top of everything else to do in the game, already eating up a lot of free time for players. Gonna be interesting to see how many guilds chose to opt-out of the whole thing, I guess.


The new scoring system for guild wars is directly related to how we earn VP from pvp battles, however, there are some issues with this:

•We will still be used to “the old scoring system,” where we would get more points for doing skull over spell damage. We would also have to worry about things like losing points for taking skull damage, which could be fixed with entangle. But there were a lot of quirky secrets that will affect my gameplay, even knowing that the rules and scoring have been simplified.

•The limitation to only using a single kingdom (in this case, Broken Spire) makes it very hard for defenders to actually have a chance. Color restrictions not limited to just 1 kingdom, allowed us to make unique and powerful defenses that offered a whole new level of difficulty. I’m just afraid that the new Guild Wars will be too easy if I see a group of dwarves waiting to obliterated by my dragon…:scream:

After waiting for so long, I honestly don’t even remember what I was waiting, what I was hoping for…More balance? Better rewards? I don’t even think it matters anymore…


im just enquiring if there are plans to modify these currently unobtainable Trophies/Achievements from the older guild wars system to make them obtainable again, they have been unobtainable since Dec 23’ Thanks heaps

untitled 2


What about the old guild wars troops?


When is the update expected? GW was in the upcoming events section in the game for a while, but is now gone again. Are we having GW end of March as planned or are things delayed a bit?


This looks great! Really looking forward to it thanks devs!! :heart_eyes: :face_savoring_food:

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“What about the old guild wars troops?”

I’d like to know, so I second that


The reasoning behind the daily play scenario isn’t great. For a mode that offers rewards based off a leaderboard, that makes no sense. It’s contrived based on the ability to play, not how well the players play.

You may need revise that for future iterations. The old guild wars system worked for people that could not play every day. Sure, we lost the top spot in Bracket 1 several times to BDC because they played late on Sundays and overhauled us with good management at the end. However we also had that choice, so there was no issue.

So the leaderboard is artificial, it’s about who can play every day, all 27 guild players that count.

I get that things reset, but that’s how it’s coded. It’s not hard to make the event last a week and there be 5 days of battles for example.


They go into detail about why they changed it to dailies. It’s about “rewards”.

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Yeah you can split those over 7 days and make them up to match. :grinning_face:

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Forcing daily play again like before is not good. You can still have ‘daily’ winners but just compare the daily totals at the end.
Don’t like it replacing the only free weekend either.


End gamers need more ways to earn book of deeds. Bottleneck progression is worse than no progression at all. I say that having experienced the amount of players in the game when no progression could be made. Compared to now where a majority are stuck due to lack of book of deeds. Meanwhile the player base diminishes at an alarming rate.


I genuinely think this is not as complicated as it looks. The post gave a ton of details for those interested, but it’s not necessary information. For casual or non-competitive players, just pick any open location, set your defense team, and do some attacks if you want. The intricacies of scoring are not especially relevant to the vast majority of players, but they’re there for those who want to be competitive. The default rewards without morale are decent (especially compared to old GWs).

Plus, the whole thing is opt-out.