Guild donations/trophies counter

This is making my life hell as guild master. Please fix it! The weekly counter of gold and trophies is not working. It is not reseting on mondays…

I’ve noticed similar problem with one or two of my guild members.

Well here in this guild is happening with all the players. Q_Q

I also noticed that it takes a lot of time to register any donations made.

Not sure if it will help you, but I have noticed that if I force close the app and then re-open it the weekly totals correct themselves. Seems like it gets really cranky about leaving the app open across reset or for too long.


For donation made after the reset, there’s no a lot of time to register the data, your member simply need to do an invade and the server syncronise data.

So for this moment, if you made a donation, just play a invade or defense after, you’ll show your donation :wink:

You don’t need to cloose your app

A solution until something better :slight_smile: