Grind with not much to show for it

Yes I know the odds are lower than the chance of pulling a Hoard Mimic. It was not meant to be a 1:1 comparison simply pointing out exactly that, trying to make it the only focus of playing is not realistic. You will get some Mimic battles and then sometimes also some Hoard Mimic battles and the chance of pulling the Hoard Mimic drop is extremely low as a result of having to beat those 2 odds first but it can and will happen for some. Not something that should be our main focus though but a nice bonus when it happens. You are right your chance of pulling a Hoard Mimic is way better than those 2 hands in poker and people do pull those hands. What they do not do is complain that the odds should be changed so they pull them more often because they for some reason have the expectation it will happen so they can get an achievement for it. So I guess be thankful the odds are not that low and it will be something reasonable with enough playing you should one day see. It is unrealistic to do a bunch of explores and expect you are going to get the mythic to drop it will happen eventually sure but making it your short term goal is not a realistic expectation nor does it appear that is how it was designed.


I kept stats for 315 Boss Chests (all at lvl 12).

Mimic Battles - 11.7%

Then, once you get a Mimic Battle, the Hoard Mimic battle came up 5.4%. (Though so few of these, that my number could be lucky, approx correct, or unlucky).

Then, although I have four, so perhaps have been very lucky, the drop rate of Mythic from Hoard Mimic battles seems to be 10-20%.


I’ve seen so many people complain lol that I decided to keep track of my chests mimics and nyshas. Only at 39 chests so far but 6 mimics 2 hoards and 8 nyshas (got a 5x nysha drop from hoard).

I’ll post numbers again when I’m at 500 chests

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Totally agree with you.
I burned out while chasing hoard mimic mythic and only playing some of the daily events for a couple of weeks.

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