Gold key yields

I started tracking what I get out of 314 Gold Keys (just out of curiosity)

Pure data:
142 common
61 rare
57 minor
20 major
34 other (gold, souls, glory)

By percentage:
45.2% common
19.5% rare
18.2% minor
06.4% major
10.9% other

If you throw out the “other”
50.7% common
21.8% rare
20.4% minor
07.1% major

72.5% troop
27.5% traitstone

71.1% common/minor
28.9% rare/major

Just some statistics to gauge the “value” of a gold key. Roughly speaking about 1 in 10 yield an “other”. If you don’t get an “other”, then 7 in 10 are “white” while 3 in 10 are “green”. Then 3 in 4 are troop while 1 in 4 is traitstone.


I have been keeping track of glory keys also. Since 3/23 I have used 1,143 keys and I have opened 8 Legends from them.
I heard that there was a 2% chance to open a Legend, but in my case it’s less than half of that.
Edited 4/8, 2,450 glory keys used, 11 Legends :confused:


I’ve got a much bigger data set (over 7,000 gold chests) which I’ll share at some point, but your stats appear to be too high for rare troops and too low for other compared with mine.

For rules of thumb, I agree with 7:3 white:green and 3:1 troop:traitstone, with other being closer to 1 in 8.

Gold keys yield 1 or 2 gems, but much more rarely than gold, glory or souls (which are fairly even chances within other).


Great work @Rasper

For 34 Other.

How much was Gold?
How many were Souls?
How much Glory?

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I didn’t break those down because it was difficult to tell. If I know I opened 32 keys, and counted 20 troops and 8 stones, I knew that there were 4 others. But when I saw gold souls and glory, I couldn’t with 100% surety declare which one happened twice.

As @rasper says, it can be difficult to work out how many keys (out of a 50 key lot) contributed to the total Gold/Souls/Glory, but my best guess is that there’s a fairly even chance for either:

  • Exactly 20 Glory
  • Between 20 and 40 Souls
  • Between 400 and 600 Gold

That’s a pity because the data would be useful in knowing the total ‘Soul Value’ of Gold Chests once people have fully ascended their Common and Rare Troops and start Disenchanting to get souls.

There is a great need for Souls and some Quest-Mates seem to feel that once they have completed leveling all their kingdoms they want to give all their gold to the Guild (in ours for Gems and Keys).

This may not be the right strategy :smiling_imp:

Common cards = 5 Souls
Rare Cards = 10 Souls

  • ??

So, from 314 keys the Disenchantment Soul-Value of:

142 Common x 5 = 710 Souls
61 Rare x 10 = 610 Souls

  • Souls dropped from Gold Chests.

Now, what about Glory Chests?

Just a few thoughts :innocent:

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Now for a little statistical gymnastics

240 gems = 30000 gold = 100 gold keys

Expected yield from 100 gold keys:

46 common
18 rare
18 minor
9 major
9 other

commons are worth 5 souls
rares are worth 10 souls
The others we can assume 3 are 20 glory each, 3 are 30 souls each, and 3 are 500 gold each.

From rewards purchases we know that 25 glory = 40 souls, so 320 = 60 glory is worth 96 souls.
Using the above purchase we can associate 30000 gold with 240 gems, so 3
500 = 1500 gold = 12 gems

240 gems =
46 common = 46* 5 = 230 souls
18 rare = 18*10 = 180 souls
18 minor
9 major
3 gold other = 1500 gold = 12 gems
3 soul other = 90 souls
3 glory other = 60 glory = 96 souls

Combining the soul entries:

240 gems =
596 souls
18 minor
9 major
12 gems

At the best ratio, 900 gems = 9000 souls, so 596 souls is about 60 gems

240 gems =
60 gems
18 minor
9 major
12 gems

And subtracting 72 gems from both sides

168 gems = 18 minor + 9 major

If majors are worth twice a minor (the choice I’d make), then 1 minor = 5 gems.

Alternately using the other extreme, of 5 souls per gem, the 596 souls = 119 gems:

240 gems =
119 gems
18 minor
9 major
12 gems

And subtracting 131 gems from both sides

109 gems = 18 minor + 9 major

If majors are worth twice a minor (the choice I’d make), then 1 minor = 3 gems.

So why do all this? Because I’d like to suggest a “Minor Traitstone Pack”, 1 of each type for 20 gems (between 18 if 3 gems / stone and 30 if 5 gems /stone)


Been tracking them in Excel:

So after 1000+ gold keys and 1700+ glory keys, it seems both have a roughly 10% chance at an “other” drop (gold, glory, gems, souls). Of the troop/stone drops it is pretty close to an 80/20 split. Glory have about a 1% chance at legendary (which then 20% get punted into a celestial instead of a troop) and Gem keys are in fact 4x the rate.