End Results of Revenge PvP Fights displays a wrong number of gold gained.
the real gold Gained with Dragon Armor on Revenge Matches is:
(Bonus Goldx4)+ (Match Gold+100) x 2.
this is what you really gain.
Revenge doubles the overall enemy bonus, and adds 100 gold on top of it, multiplied by armors.
Hi, i did a bit of testing because i was just curious.
Tested several battles, by keeping account of my gold totals, enemy bonuses and end of battle displayed bonus.
Displayed Gold = the gold value u see at the very end of a battle
Bonus Gold = The Bonus you see before starting a match with a certain player.
Match Gold = The gold you gained during a match, via 4+'s or troops.
Armor Gold Multiplier = the Bonus to gold you get from your hero Armor.
Normal Battle = (Bonus Gold + Match Gold) x Armor Gold Multiplier = Displayed Bonus
Rival = SAME as per Normal Battle
Revenge = _((Bonus Gold x2) + Match Gold+100) x Armor Multiplier _
Revenge Displayed Gold (bugged) = (Bonus Gold +100 x Armor Multiplier)
Examples: you wear Dragon Armor (+100% gold)
vs an enemy with bonus +978, and during the match u gain 33 gold.
At the end of the match you WILL see : 2156
this is the incorrect amount. it just shows the enemy bonus x 2 and adds 200 (100 x 2 from armor) on top of it.
But what you have really gained is : 4178
which is the actual amount that has been really added to your total gold reserves. Which is 4 time the enemy Bonus, + 2 times the match gold, + 200 ( 100 x 2 armor multipl.) gold added in the end.
hope this helped if anyone was curious too.
NOTE: the +200 could actually be a +100 to the match gold, multiplied by 2 by my dragon armor. gonna test it out if it’s affected by the armor multiplier.
NOTE 2 (EDIT): i can CONFIRM that is actually 100 x Armor Multiplier.
updating formulas above.