Gnome resurrection

No vault key…

Why giving ressources when you can give a Vault key so players can try the Vault + get ressources?

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They listen to us!!! Ty so much devs


Ok i removed the i am mad part and now completely happy ty devs :slight_smile:


Everything ended well after all and i’m glad with that. I’m not the OP, but i’m sure this thread could probably be closed by now…

Well, after @Mithran finish his (Peng)long post of course… :rofl: :wink:


I call it ‘The Ghost of Mithran’, hes everywhere. :smiley:


And everyone rushes back into the game.:joy: (Except for me because my breakfast at 4:23am is ready…)


I personally wasn’t upset by situation yesterday. I actually liked the idea of the spawn being super rare and always having a decent loot table. I know you can’t please everyone, but I think 1 gnome per 30 battles is a bit overkill for a normal spawn rate. I would be more excited for gnome week if they were normally quite rare.




Looks like we did get a compensation pack, thanks to the devs!

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I snipped out some of my points here because have probably been addressed. I’ll leave the others in though.

I hope the event still isnt 10 times as profitable. I made a reply in the other thread. Thats basically my main concern now. Overvaluing time during a short period can be very damaging, especially if it turns out that a dedicated player over a long weekend can get about 100 gems an hour as was being reported with initial drops, and play about 8 hours a day over 3 days, resulting in more gems than every guild task that entire month combined (and presumably way more than normal gnome drops would give you in the same amount of play). That might, in turn, cause a knee jerk reaction from the devs (or more likely probably the publisher) to nerf overall gains again.

Each downward adjustment of the economy ironically actually stagnates it more and more for the existing playerbase by forcing people into hoarding and stringent use, by proxy giving even the average player bloated stashes and making the cash shop items look like garbage by comparison because troops still cost the same or increasing amounts to unlock as the drop pools for troops continue to bloat (buy 1500 gems? for $100? why? I just spent 15k and didn’t get my mythic, etc.). If gnomes actually offer a drip feed and not a flood centered around a very specific time period, that will actually help the economy more than hurt it by possibly incentivizing spending more again (I can always get x back, rather than I have to have x at this point in time or I’m going to miss y.) They just can’t give too many. Also, they need other ways to spend gems that people will actually use, which will be difficult after conditioning everyone for so long with the exclusive mythic to either have enough gems on VIP chests or be prepared to overpay and wait an arbitrary amount of time with soulforge while being saddled with an additional cost. The current economy is so strangled that people with thousands (or tens of thousands) of gems get upset about accidentally clicking refresh in PvP and feel 50 gems to change class is too restrictive.

I really should finish my posts in one sitting… Or at least close the tabs if the issue moved on before I could finish the post…


I did not say it because it annoys me to see your name or anything, youre a respected user with many solid points and arguments. I just thought u would get a laugh yourself after reading my comment.


No offense ever taken to anybody that brings up my overly long posts :slight_smile:


It was not about your long posts from me at least. :slight_smile:

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Or me having 6 forum tabs open at the same time because I keep getting pulled away while replying :stuck_out_tongue:


You and @Cyrup should form a fanclub for overly (Peng)long things.
I might join. Bunnies have pretty long ears.:blush:


hey Tacet, it’s plumko aka obone in GoW they have increased appearences to 1/30 which seems accurate so far. they have nerfed its awards. i got 2 x 2500 gold so far.

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I believe that the increase of the Gnome appareance was compensated by a nerf on the rewards, so that the average reward by fight is the same. So in terms of rewards, the kind move of devs didn’t change anything.
So I guess that the Event will bring back the same “power-up” than before.

I don’t believe that they will nerf the overall income. But they have still time to nerf the Vault rewards…

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Heres hoping they can find the right balance for the event. People were reporting this is a reliable means of gaining gems in quantities of about 100 an hour originally. That, compressed into one long weekend where someone with a few days off could play 24 hours total (bordering on obsessive, but not even approaching unhealthy), is enough to give the perception of things being out of whack. Even though, again, really not all that significant long term in the grand scheme, just compared to the amount tasks give which were already nerfed and to publishers thinking about the bottom line without realizing that they need a way to stimulate spending of gems to encourage buying them, and having the most desirable thing costing on average 9000 gems (4500 for VIP) and being random and hyperfocused as the only thing people will spend gems on isn’t a good way to do it.


I’ve been at it since 7pm - and have not found a single gnome.

However I have managed to get 2 Celestial stones, 4 of the 5 arcanes I am plowing for … but NO GNOME.


I am crossing my fingers for you! :blush: