Gnome resurrection

The whales did not get enough, and the rest of us have received our charity. Move on I suggest. The gnomes are in reality red herrings, a limited edition that was never intended to last just drum up interest.

Clearly it succeeded. 500 souls for example - that’s not worth 5 minutes.

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Well after 3 hours and 4 Celestial stones, 5 Arcane Dark stones I finally get a Gnome. They are much harder to get than Celestial Stones???

And I got…

1 Event Key

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Just realise we now see the gnome valraven and zull goth in the show all list

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It looks really cheap how they add the Sigil on the Valraven. Worst on the spell card…

La Voute ? Pas la meilleure traduction au monde …
Sur D3, ils ont traduit “Vault” par “Le Pactole”.


I found one in arena, but it only gave me two traitstones. Better than nothing and it is a new fun thing to look for. I really appreciate the calming down of the effects and the background being better. Much better for my eyes.


I can’t ever imagine using these troops? 30% chance to run away?


Valvraven would be an awesome troop if it didn’t run away

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Reduced awards… Makes sense.

Souls or Minor TS as a reward for finding and beating a Gnome?
More of a slap in the face of your player base than an actual reward.


Not sure if I’m the only one who feels this way but I wish the developers thought about the Gnome rollout a little more before implementing.

I liked that the Gnomes were giving cool/valuable prizes and it sounds like that was the intention from the start. Now after a rash reaction, we have “watered down” Gnomes where getting one is fun but not necessarily rewarding :-1:

What should have happened (IMHO):

A) Devs should have reserved the Gnome release for a Gnome event. It sounds like the more frequent Gnome encounters were planned for Gnome events. I don’t think it is/was necessary to have a Gnome encounters on a lower frequency during none Gnome events.

B) When Devs realized they accidentally released Gnomes and they were being encountered at a Gnome event rate, they should have just started a Gnome event!

Instead, the developers pulled back Gnome encounters, pissed everyone off, and had to relaunch a revised vision of what could have been pretty cool :weary:

This isn’t going to make or break the game for me but it’s definitely kinda crappy to finally encounter a Gnome and get 100 souls as a reward…


Yeah but like sirrian mentionned the vault key frenquency will be increased during vault event… yeah it was giving bigger rewards but you had to play 700 battle to get it and you could also get 200 souls

Don’t you think it’s more frustrating to play 7h and finally see him but still get crap?? Now this way you get more chance to win more stuff and i am really happy they made that decision


Ha, I ever bring it up again its because I like reading your posts and agree with your points 95% of the time. My posts are just the opposite: exceedingly succinct and peppered with spelling and grammatical errors.:wink:

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It wasn’t a rash decision. They gave us exactly what so many people begged for - more frequency w/ reduced rewards.

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Exactly this.
I prefer the chance of encountering the gnome more with smaller rewards with the slim possibility of a big reward.

Previously, the gnome was as rare as a unicorn, and you still had a chance of getting a weak reward. That is far more infuriating to me.

I’m OK with waiting for Vault event weeks to get better gnome treasure.


Err… I’d say they gave us what some vocal people were demanding. It was kinda rash - executed in 1 day turnaround.

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I’m actually advocating for Gnomes to appear only in high frequency but also only during Gnome events while keeping the high rewards. This would make it more special. I don’t think we need to get Gnomes every day.


I understand your point, i am just happy cause that’s something new and i really needed something like this to happen to give me a reason to continue to play. Playing pvp over and over is really boring when you see the same team over and over.


Having gnomes on “Gnome Season” only seems valid, but the devs probably thought about people missing out the event, because life happens, and that’s probably the reason they went on the other direction.

Their decision could be seem as rushed, but many of us provided feedback hoping that the propposed changes would be within the spirit of new and exciting features for us to experiment. But how can someone honestly have any experience with something so ellusive?

It’s a paradox… One that is more than likely harmful to the player experience, specially for players that can’t dedicate many hours to the game and would probably feel left out of the fun.

In the end we must be glad that there’s a chance to get Vault Keys even now with gnomes being more easier to find, it means that endgamers have more chances to eventually get one while newish players will surely be happy with anything they get when they kill a gnome.


The Great Gnome Folly has been a rather dark mark on an otherwise great update. I think we’ll all be over it after the weekend and it’ll turn into Treasure Map 2.0. Onward and upward to Raids!


I guess that’s fair but the event would occur every few weeks so IDK if it’d really be a problem. I think it would also make Gnome hunting more special. Like now that we’ll be seeing them regularly, I’m willing to bet we’ll all get bored of them after a few weeks…

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Making it once per month won’t make it more exciting either. Knowing my luck, I’ll be busy on the weekend it happens to take place.