Gnome resurrection

I see it as a slot machine, when you get a bonus round with free spins you always happy. That the same with these gnome so i prefer see them more often


Not bored i believe, more like “used to” while we do our battles.

Personally i didn’t changed anything about my current gameplan (which consists of hoarding 100 Arcanes of each type at the moment) but i do get happy with any gnome showing up, and when Jotnar placed a barrier on the gnome allowing his escape i felt 65% anger and 35% pure giggling joy… By now i’m not even angry anymore because eventually another gnome showed up and i got him. :slightly_smiling_face:


Anyone know if the gnomes are in the pool in arena? I mean can we use them in our team?

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Finally, finally I found ONE!

aaaaand…200 souls is all I got wtf so lame.


better then 100 souls :slight_smile: i found that earlier
i agree souls and minor stone are not great to win but you can’t win everytime sometime you need a sorry try again

Edit: just got 5 gems that a good surprise

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I found one but no rewards :sob: there is no treasure pouch. I did scouted it in the PvP so I’m not sure it contributed to the bug :frowning:

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I’m “ok” with garbage rewards (Souls) for the random gnomes appearing because most people wanted a higher drop rate. And the devs had to compensate. I get that.

But wtf is garbage (Souls) doing in the actual Vault? THAT is the ultimate troll, but they are “supposed” to be gnomes. Anyhow better luck with you keys than me.


Yeah i agree souls shouldn’t be in the vault. When you reach the vault you expect nice rewards cause it happen on rare occasion


I also agree the rewards in pvp gnome should be little better then in explore.
Since you can make 3 explore while you doing 1 pvp and also you can play explore on normal mode and he will be easy to kill but in pvp he got more health and armor and got more chance to escape with a team made by a real player

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6 X 100 or 200 souls. 1 300 000 in my pocket. -_-

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You probably defeated a player that really owned a Gnome card (you can get among the Vault rewards) and used on it’s team.


Oh, that would be really annoying. I guess if we scout and see a Gnome, we know it is a player card, otherwise it is a “real” Treasure Gnome?

Next, people will start putting teams of 4x Gnome in PVP just to be douchebags.


Yes you see them if you scout

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One troop Gnome defense??? :thinking: (Haha)
But yes…DB move to put him on defense.


I got a gnome spawned in Explore and it didn’t drop a loot bag for me, either.

For those complaining about no marginal benefit from souls… how about a top souls leaderboard? :rofl:

@saltypatra perhaps we need some more articulate way of knowing whether a gnome is there as a treasure bonus or there as set by the defending player…

Maybe gnomes shouldn’t appear in set defence teams. They’re cowardly disobedient creatures - suggest any gnomes set into pvp defences get replaced by a random troop instead…


Dont treasure gnomes typically have the bag on the top right of their card frame?

I don’t think the player ones have those treasure bags on the top right.

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how comes theres no gnomes found leaderboard? i want to know whos got the best rng! xD

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And this suggests that the gnome troops may be on the “random” table to pull from for an explore troop as well (especially if you can confirm that it appeared while scouting, but I know most people wont do this unless its automatic with VIP3). So also, this probably shouldn’t be a thing.