Global chat keeps switching to other channels (PS4)

Have noticed for the last few hours that the global chat 001 is switching to other random channels. Even without doing anything in the game it will just change to other ones, Have seen several other people say this has been happening to them too.

edit - this is happening again now (it stopped for a while last night), just started the game and within 30 minutes it moved me to channel 002.

Count yourself lucky. Chat is no longer accessible for me, it has completely gone. Restarting the game and the PS4 does not fix it. The chat box can be brought up but nothing more. Chat channel shows as ‘none’.

@Graeme - We have discovered bugs in the chat system which should be fixed in the new update.

Hey @mld-81, you should be able to change the chat channel from none to whichever channel by opening chat and pressing down on the left stick/D-pad. Select the Channel button from here and enter whichever chat channel you want between the numbers 1-999. If this doesn’t work, let us know.

Thanks. It went a bit wonky for a couple of days but seems stable again now, Looking forward to update :smile:

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Already tried that along with other ideas, nothing works. RIP chat :joy:

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It’s mostly drama or bs in there anyways.

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I agree and that is why I don’t really bother with it. It does become handy when recruiting though.

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I know and I was going to say that but got lazy and ended my reply, lol.

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