Giving away account: allowed or not?

You will never in a million years get an answer from the publisher to a legal question, unless you get a lawyer involved and go to the publisher’s lawyers. The best you can hope for is a casual statement from a dev…which there was.

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Why not make money out of it.
I mean. if u already spend money on it.
U might as well gain some back.
Its you’res. Now u can gamestop it :grin:

Okay I’ll ask God then and get back to you when they have an answer.
(Tons of people give their accounts away or share accounts. No one has ever gotten in trouble for it. Ever…)

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Now here’s the full context.

I’m no lawyer. But it sounds like this is a bunch of legal “c.y.a.” crap to make it clear that no matter how much money I spend. 505 can take my account away if they want to. I don’t own it. You can’t actually gift someone or give someone something they don’t own. That’s all it’s saying. It also has a disclaimer that the user agreement can be altered or changed at any time.
So you have in actual writing a developer saying you can give the account away. And the publisher is saying it can take that account away whether you give it away or not. I don’t think either will suffice as permission though in your eyes. I’m still waiting on God to weigh in on the matter.

That’s common with everything. You buy a Blu-Ray, you own the disk but not the movie. You sign up for Steam and buy games? You don’t own anything. You buy MS Office? You own a license but not the software.

And for online games, it’s been normal for years. Seen like 10 years ago on eBay already, ppl selling their accounts for various online/mmo games or just farmed/grinded items, that all that’s sold is the time invested in that certain game and not the game itself (because ofc no player can own the game, the loot). Like a disclaimer.

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