Gems of Streaming

I play exclusively on mobile. One of the reasons I play this game is “no ads!”. It’s also the reason I actually buy some stuff now and then. So my question is this: is there a possibility to hide the ad button for players when they have reached VIP 6?


IMO it is foolish to spend thousands of dollars on this game currently. If the shop gets reworked I hope that there will be something (anything actually) to justify me spending any more money. There is absolutely nothing I need so the one thing I could see buying are cosmetic upgrades to troop cards. (Think pokemon shinys)

Honestly a shop revamp is something I’ve asked for and described what I wanted for a long time, and the screenshots/revelations I see feel like they swerve around it.

What I wanted that seems to be in it: “Give us more and more interesting things to spend gems on.” Right now I can buy shop tiers, a very limited amount of diamonds, some keys, gold, and souls with gems. I want the shop tiers and diamonds, everything else I have in excess. So offering me ingots, writs, pets, or other stuff for gems is a good move.

The part I can already tell they’re swerving around is my accusation that they overvalue their goods. I’ve never agreed with saying these troop bundles are “a $100 value”. They can assert all they want that because gems “cost” some number per dollar, giving away the troop plus these gems is that many dollars.

But $100 is enough for me to buy a lot of games for my Switch: Into the Breach, Baba is You, Final Fantasy VII, Cuphead, and Celeste add up to just about that. That list could be 400-500 hours of gameplay. How much does one troop give you in GoW, especially a troop like Ser Cygnea? I’m pretty sure I’ve used her for maybe 30 matches.

So GoW thinks the offers it’s making to me can sell me one troop that’s worth 6 Final Fantasy VIIs. That’s so dumb it’s malicious.

I know the reason they’re doing it is price anchoring: once a person psychologically sees “this thing is worth this much” they are more likely to buy it for a discounted price. But usually price anchoring isn’t so obvious. I can never get past the “$100 value!” sticker on these deals.


Other than an image and a small green ! there is no other intrusive portion of the ads. It should be easily ignored.


Yes I feel obligated to call out while this feature is “we pay you to look at ads” it’s entirely opt-in. So while I maintain cynicism about the feature, it is implemented the way I want in-game ads to be implemented. Paying me in-game currency to choose to watch an ad is an equitable transaction, even if the currency is trivial.

So while I might not feel like I get “enough” currency, in general I’ll probably not complain because overall the implementation is how I’d argue it has to be.


Thanks @Lyrian

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Horse manure. No reason they can’t push these to be priorities. Well no good reason …


Daily offers are gems only for now. Also an entire Nysha medal is $50. It’s 9 tokens per medal so that’s $5.50.

if you’re basing it on the flash offer, did you factor in the cost of the gems that accompanied it?

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No. Because that’s not why anyone is spending $50 on a Nysha medal. That’s just a freebie.

Only $300 to upgrade each mythic troop? Bargain!

And that was a flash offer. So you know it’s really like a $100 value, Discount 70%!

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Just curious: will there be a faction preview (Depths of Sin)?

Mythic preview streeeaaaaam!!!


Evidently not. Lol

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And nobody cares. OK.

I do, but what can we do lol

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Doing a quality of life suggestion stream today, and my account is levelled and ready to tackle some end game teams…


Maybe someone can suggest an improvement to team diversity faced in successive rounds of PvP for those end-game teams that will be tackled, since it might be relevant.

Yesterday evening in the 3 trophy slot, I faced the same 4 troops three times in a row (Daughter of Ice, Zuul’Goth, Jar of Eyes, Drowned Sailor).

I know why they were believed to be different according to matchmaking, because differences in banners, classes, or even just order, makes it count as a different team.

Nonetheless, it was boring/uninteresting, and therefore annoying, and so maybe just keep an eye out for it as you play and select opponents/teams to face (and imagine yourself as a player who is affected by the rewards and time spent).

Another small QoL improvement I’ve started wanting that might be relevant to the stream is an increase in the speed of the unfurling/collapsing of a team as you select it in your own team selection panel on the left, or at least an adjustable/proportionate speed (to the general animation speed setting). Would make team selection a bit smoother, supporting me in using a variety of teams, and making that whole process a bit more enjoyable. If someone wanted to watch out for or suggest that in-stream, I’d be grateful.

I’m assuming the whole “option to enter the Medal selection screen from the battle prep screen like you can in World Events if you don’t have an Event Medal equipped” is currently dead, but if it wasn’t, that’s still my #1.


Allow us to copy pvp defense team code for easy testing…