Gems of Streaming

Head’s up team, we are going to try and go forward with our streams but our team is being cautious in regards to Covid-19. This means that we plan to still stream, but are still waiting on whether there will be more restrictions or recommendations made by the government. Thank you for your patience during this time.


It’s no joke, Salty.
Italy and Spain are on full lockdown now. With Britain not far behind.
Air travel is grinding to a halt.
The Entertainment industry is grinding to a halt. (other than online game)
Sports is grinding to a halt.
Schools/colleges are closing.

Omg my kids are home from school for 6 weeks! I neeeeeds gow :joy::joy::joy:

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With many forms of entertainment closing down or canceled, it is more important than ever for online gaming companies to keep their games up and running.

So far the following has occurred in many areas of the world:

Air travel grinding to a halt or very limited.

Countries going on complete lockdown: Italy and Spain are known. Whereas other countries very difficult to get into: China, Iran, New Zealand (requires a 2 week isolation), Britain, the US, etc.

Amusement/Theme parks closed until further notice.

Sports are grinding to a halt.

Broadway Shows Closed
Bars, Restaurants closing down or limited operation
Movie Theaters closing down
Cruises closing down
TV series, Live TV shows, Movies Shutting down production
Parades Cancelled
Circuses Closed down
Live Shows (concerts, etc) Cancelled
Celebrations for Mar 17 cancelled
Religions, one after another closing their doors
Don’t be surprise that Easter Celebrations will be cancelled as well.
One college/University after another going online only and shutting down live classes on campus.
One school district after another shutting down.
Many stores closing down or cutting back on operating hours.

And the list goes on

No one alive today has ever seen anything like this.
And now Australia is being hit hard. First with many wildfires throughout the country and now Covid_19. What’s next?
The last thing the world needs now is for a MAJOR volcano to erupt. Although. if Vesuvius were to have a major eruption in Italy, that might be a KO punch there.

If Gems of War goes down. Then it’s time to get Puzzle Quest. I believe it’s available on all the platforms that GoW is. Problem solved. :grinning:

Alas, it doesn’t seem to be available on iOS.

Idk why you Apple people put up with it. :man_shrugging:
(I read today that it is also eating up data when not in use. Which sucks for those under data caps.)

Set them up in shifts to grind through all your treasure hunts while you’re not playing! It can’t be considered a sweat shop or fall under child labor laws if they’re playing a game, right? :thinking:


We are making sure our servers have enough capacity during this time, as they might see more activity than usual. Take care of each other. We will do our best to keep things running smoothly.


Many people are now shut ins because of Codvid-19.
Therefore, many people only have TV or gaming as sources of entertainment.
But, people are social as well.
People like to get together and have fun.
But our governments are saying no you need to stay home as much as possible.
So, what can most people do in these trying times?
Our best ways of socializing now is in the form of chatrooms (or ingame chat) and steaming.
Salty is fun to watch in streaming. She makes me smile and even laugh at times and that can be the best medicine for the world right now. The gift of laughter. A very rare and priceless gift in these dark times.


I’ll be streaming today!


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The only thing everyone wants to know is, is the new event working as intended?

Please tell us the scoring is bugged. Surely you don’t intend for all 30 members of a guild to buy Tier 7 to unlock all the rewards?


With the Invasion event, if all Guild members won 64 battles, (63.75 actually), they would have defeated 175 Towers, the Guild would have defeated 5250, and the event would be done.

In ToD, if each player defeated 24 Dooms, that would give the Guild 720, 20 more than is needed to complete the event. (48 battles for even an unlucky guild that finds no Luck scrolls).

I’m so bad at math I won’t attempt the Raid battle requirements, and I still haven’t had a chance to play the new event. But from what I’ve heard, this new event would take a lot more battles than 64.

I don’t care if the trade-off is earning medals. I don’t even really care about the event rewards. My guild is already casual, and doesn’t finish Raid or Invasion events. But I’m against more unhealthy time constraints similar to Tuesday Delve Events.

I just heard during the stream Salty said something similar to this.

Hopefully this time it’s not just :dash: up our :peach: to get us to :zipper_mouth_face:.

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Hey team, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I’ll only be going forward with the Gems of War stream at the moment. Fingers crossed this changes soon, but we will see. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


I totally understand

Are you able to stream at home? I don’t know how the infrastructure is there. But ideally everyone on the staff would work from home until the pandemic is averted.

She should get an Xbox and stream using that, it’s super easy. So easy that some guilds not only stream all their guild war matches, they use the share feature to let their guild master play all their matches too!


Please feel free to send me an Xbox!

In other news the stream will be going ahead today, and I will be taking the equipment home with me. Let’s hope my old pc can handle streaming. :slight_smile: