Game crash when killing Abhorat that have full 3 traits

Im playing on Xbox. 3 times I fight against the same guy and 3 times the game crashed and back directly to xbox main menu. He is the only one I have fight that have abhorat with full 3 traits, thats why I think the prob come from the 3rd trait. For info, I was also using abhorat (2 traits) on 1st position for killing him and his abhorat was on 3rd position and the crash happen when I make a skull combo that will kill him. I never ever had another game crash facing any other players.

PC/Mobile use to have the same glitch with his 3rd trait. I guess to console side didn’t get around to patching it yet.

I have the same issue. Sucks; I really need the souls. ;-;

It seems that consoles team devs and PC team devs should talk more together to have not that happening if it was known long ago on PC.
(sorry for my bad english)

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