[Fixed] No art for tinker town troops!

Pheeew, talk about saving the …weekend :smile:

Thanks for the prompt fix!


Thank you. After restarting the game and downloading the additional assets, the graphics is now shown :grin:


Nice. Working now. Thanks.

thank you, send my thanks to the quick and responsive programmer as well :slight_smile:
have a nice weekend guys

Thank you kindly!

Looks like everything is in order now.

Thanks for the quick fix. Happy to have artwork now. Much nicer playing with graphics. :grin:

Thank you for the quick fix! :smiley:

Though, I gotta say, if it was this easy, why didn’t the daemon gnome get fixed sooner? :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Because, in this line of business, you only get that guy (who originally developed the game and has since moved on to more strategic projects) to look at a bug when you are in a pinch :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks a lot, if was much easier to do those battles, seeing my own troops.
Thank that programmer especialy for fixing it in short time.

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