[Fix Incoming] Missing Hellcrag weapons on Switch

Aegis of Hellcrag and Tears of the Sisters.
Day one on Hellcrag, both vanished after getting them(via IAP or story), and they are unable to see in the TROOPS&TEAMS menu

Recurring tragedy, whoever sets those weapons to be visible doesn’t communicate with whoever releases kingdoms and campaigns. The weapons are in your inventory, they’ll automatically show up once they find someone able to change a date in configuration files.

Which is super weird because Tears of the Sisters is given as part of the new kingdom’s story quest itself. Yet after completing the story quest, I don’t have it shown in my inventory (it’s not even listed as Unowned) yet I DO have the “Crag Hammer” weapon and I don’t recall where/how I obtained that one.

Hello :slight_smile:

The Switch Hellcrag Weapon: “Tears of Sisters”, is given through completing the Kingdom Questline, and the “Aegis of Hellcrag” is a weapon that can be purchased when playing said questline.

I’ve since reported this issue with the missing weapons on Switch to the development team who should be releasing a fix for this very soon.

Hello :slight_smile:

As for the “Crag Hammer” weapon, you obtain it by having 50 Gem Mastery in the weapon colours. (So 50 Red Gem Mastery + 50 Brown Gem Mastery)

Then the next time you levelled up, you received this weapon.

thanks a lot

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Ah, there it is now!

Ironically, I seem to have reached the point where I no longer have a backlog of (Legendary or higher) weapons to upgrade, so I get to accumulate those Ingots now.