Feature Request - Stone Ascension

I want this but if the silence speaks volumes then remember that the devs do not tell us everything. We did not know that 19 feature requests were taken and implimented until weeks or a month before the major update had happened. I refer to update 2.0. It will be a wonder what they will do with this request, will it be implimented and is it being worked on for the next update? Only time will tell. Let me propose this though, why is the guild update in need of being split in two, because the number of feature requests has determined it so. I wonder how many and which ones though.

It’s a fine line for the dev team to walk. On the one hand, people are clamoring for easier-to-obtain arcanes. On the other, they’re a source of revenue that is one of the only truly long-tail sellers for them. After all, new troops are all available for Glory (i.e, free). There’s no power curve to keep up with, as the end-game curve is extremely flat (you can be competitive at some small fraction of the whales’ resources). Traitstones promise you new and exciting avenues to use the troops you have, and are a carrot at the end of a very long stick.

Additionally, you have to also consider that many folks have spent real money on traitstones already, and they’d be (rightfully) upset if traitstones were to devalue to any considerable degree. Despite there being no explicit contract, there is some expectation that money invested on rare resources remains valuable down the road, or else the dev team loses the trust of their paying customer.

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You have a point. Those who payed money would be upset if what they bought did not pay off. I figured that common to runic would be crafted and anything duel colored or above would be uncraftable. B/b or b/u as an example would not be craftable. If the devs implimented this would it be possible to do it with out it causing a fuss by those who payed money. Also i am wondering how many have actually spent that much money cause those packs are not cheap.

It’s actually gotten worse with 2.0 as well since Glory is now easier to come by.

Mythics was a smart idea to help keep players invested, especially as they roll out more and the odds of dropping the one you want get worse, though War needs a buff so Mythics seem worth it.

Otherwise it seems silly for them to make Arcane crafting. If anything, a slight buff to drop rates makes more sense to me so people get less frustrated at them never ever dropping and are just frustrated by the wrong one dropping.

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With the distribution of traitstones I have, I think 10x to go to the next “level”, and 10x of each runic to get an arcane, would be plenty expensive enough that it wouldn’t discourage purchasing arcanes/celestials with glory and money. Actually, probably 5x would be.

In some cases I have the opposite problem: I have an arcane traitstone I don’t really intend to use yet, but I need runics much more. In those cases it’d be cool to be able to break a traitstone up into smaller components, but with a lower exchange rate so that you can’t ever simply go on a craft/uncraft spree.

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It won’t happen. Devs might make new paths to slightly ease up the grind, but you won’t see anything nearly this simple (or guaranteed) as it’d dry up a lucrative revenue stream.