Favored Troop Query

How Is this determined. Does it go by kills with the character ? Amount of time used ? Etc.

Also is it only PVP or every game mode for example - Explore, Campaign, Delves, PVP ?

Itā€™s the number of times you use a troop in combat.

Adding to that, I believe if you use more than one copy of a troop on your team, each copy is counted as a ā€˜useā€™, per battle.

Thankyou. Not sure if mine is broke then as my troop hasnā€™t changed since I started. Not used him in ages but still Favored Troop. Anyway I can check how many times I have used it in combat ?

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pretty sure it counts pvp only, otherwise most people would have bombot or firebomb as their favorite. and ā€œuseā€ means ā€œcastā€

you can go to https://gowdb.com, link your account, , go to My Collection and select filter to show Invasions to see how many times you have cast a troop in pvp

Hmmmm maybe I guess it could be PVP

True guess I will have to check.

Same here. Been Gorgotha for almost 2 years but I never use it anymore.
Pretty sure the thing is broken

Itā€™s based on the number of times the troop is used in PVP invasions. And each copy on your team is counted separately, so a team with four Peasants counts as four invasions for that troop. I have tested this.