
I think it would be great if my faction score transfered over when there is a delve event on. All i have left to do is PF’s and the thought of playing for hours just to get to the pf stage doesn’t interest me. Id still be buying gems for the potions if my score transferred over. Im sure there are plenty of players in my position.

You lost me … are you asking that the Faction Assault start at whatever Delve Level the Faction is? No, we don’t need that.

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Adding an option in faction event to skip to wherever you are in the underworld faction: fine.

Starting faction events wherever the player is in the underworld faction, and causing them to miss out on tons of easy rewards and battles that give class xp: hell nope.


Friendly addendum that because event Delve Points are scaled by Delve Level, changing the level at which you start the event would completely WRECK the entire rewards ladder.

For example, the number of points required for 8 reward tiers of a Faction Assault is:

  • Equivalent to about 7 Delves currently (Lv.20 - 80)
  • or, equivalent to a single Delve at Lv.350 or higher

Yeah. So no.


So basically you want the rewards without having to work hard for them, like everyone else has. Hmmm I dont like the cut of your jib young fellow.

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Oh, I was assuming that the reward ladders would either scale up or be removed by clicking the option to skip ahead, so that skipping wouldn’t give an advantage. They definitely wouldn’t let players skip ahead and claim all the rewards with one or two delves. Totally agree.

Yeah, there’s simply no way to balance it across different players.

If they increase the rewards ladder for increased points, that disadvantages newer players who can’t start at their highest level (yet). Consider how a single Lv.500 Delve can yield as many points as nearly ten low-level Delves (Lv.20-100).

Alternatively, if they scale points by # Delves cleared during the event, then this disadvantages older players starting at a higher levels because … y’know, higher levels.

And there’s simply no benefit to skipping certain reward tiers entirely, especially when a given player actually needs an extra Orb of Chaos or Vault Key (that might otherwise be forfeit).

It’s a losing situation for someone no matter how you slice it.

(And besides, if I missed out on doing low-level Faction Team delves, the event provides some opportunity to catch up without needing to Delve at max level.)

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Im really not interested in the rewards to be honest.
I guess if they allowed the potions during the event to activate in the Underspire too then this would work for me

Why would potions for a delve apply to the underspire when they are totally different events? That doesn’t make sense.

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Strange, but okay.

What then was the idea even for…?

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The idea is to complete the pure faction, i thought that was pretty clear in my original post

My mistake, i meant in the underground faction not underspire

Given they already added potions to the standard selves from hoard level can’t see this being implemented. Coupled with the fact they would also need to sort out leader board and rewards at the same time.

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