I’m only missing 2 legendary troops now. But both are rather well known so team suggestions often evade me due to the lack of having them.
Crimson Bat
Infernal King
I patiently await the day I meet them face to terrifying face.
I’m only missing 2 legendary troops now. But both are rather well known so team suggestions often evade me due to the lack of having them.
Crimson Bat
Infernal King
I patiently await the day I meet them face to terrifying face.
You’re missing out on probably the best two quests for storyline conversation IMHO. Unless you wrote them, in which case you already know what they say…
I didn’t write them, but I do help creating the quests. I also played through the quests on our test server so I know the stories (part of the reason I don’t get around to playing it on live).
RNG can be streaky sometimes.
It took me 16 months to get my first Crimson Bat. Then 1.0.9 hit and I got 5 of him since…
I was somewhere around level 720 when I finally got Celestasia…then a week later I got another. Random luck…
my white whales:
Bone Dragon
…and Lava Arcanes
*cry in my pillow silently
Ive got a Bone dragon around lvl 600, still missing Celestasia and Gar’nok… and im playing this game more than year :))
I would love to have a 2nd Crimson Bat, especially with the Crescendo nerf. It’s a fun team.
Instead I’ve got 3x Goblin King, KoS, and Hydra.
Who runs Dokkalfar? Pssh.
I run him to summon my fully traited spider.
still dont have that bat - besides the new troops (this weeks) it is the ONLY one i am missing
Note the up above. I wasn’t being serious nor was I looking for any real answers.
I just thought it would be worth noting because dokkalfar summons a mana generator which i do not think any other summoner does.
Well technically speaking, 2 other troops can be summoned that destroy gems so they can provide mana for your troops as well.
Technically Speaking.
This is true. One that targets a specific mana colour though that can guarantee an extra turn. How many summoners summon a troop that summons another troop? I mean through spell or trait of the summoned troop.
summoning the spider swarm always seemed like a nerf to the giant spider to me…
Maybe but it makes a good little tank if fully traited and properly leveled. Poison on attack and possible poison on red spell.
It’s not as bad now, as the little spiders can “tank” a bit before they die. They do block red, though, in case that matters to your flow.