Crit Happens! and Dirt Nap have been cleaning house.
Each guild has a different discord channel but many of us are on both. lots of helpful team building and other fun things
Dirt Nap feeds into Crit Happens!
We have 6 positions available in Dirt Nap and 2-4 in Crit Happens!
Dirt Nap:
guild lvl 137 (220% gold on daily bonus)
rank: 737
statue levels: 50 - 70
tasks: usually finish 6 or 7 of each color, finish blue, sometimes others.
gw: bracket 45 this week and climbing (usually 1 or 2 a week)
lvl 1 to 1000 = 300 gold per lvl,
300k gold for lvl 1000+.
50k if you don’t have your kingdoms maxed
500 seals
GW: none, but ask if you can - 1 per day to get the troop bonus
Crit Happens:
guild lvl 933 (+359% gold on daily bonus)
rank 66
statue lvls 150+
tasks: always finish main - sometimes 1 or 2 legendary tasks
gw: holding steady in bracket 9 (81 - 90 with 66% participation)
lvl 1 to 1000 = 300 gold per lvl,
300k gold for lvl 1000+.
50k if you dont have your kingdoms maxed
1500 seals on the mythic week of the month (November 20th is the next)
300 seals other weeks
GW: none, but ask if you can - 1 per day to get the troop bonus