Developer Q & A

Why don’t you stream on Youtube? It’s so much better than Twitch

Because I prefer Twitch. :heart:

How about uploading the weekly stream as well? I usually can’t watch it live because I’m busy and then I don’t bother watching later because I’m not a fan of Twitch.


Thank you!
Youtube is also your friend, much unused potential :sunglasses:

This post gets a thousand bunny-points!:rabbit::rabbit::rabbit::rabbit::rabbit::rabbit::rabbit::rabbit::rabbit::rabbit::rabbit::rabbit::rabbit::rabbit::rabbit::rabbit:
Even when I’m awake again, I never watch the recorded streams because Twitch. Is. Horrible.
I would really love to watch them in a way that’s convenient, doesn’t crash my browser, saves the time when I stop watching for a while reliably and just… doesn’t kill my computer so badly.

I never have any of the problems you speak of @Sheba with Twitch.

Maybe time to get a different PC or try watching on mobile.

I don’t own a smartphone and hey, if you give me a few hundred bucks, I will gladly get a new PC. :smiley:

@Maxx I don’t have any plans to upload the old streams to youtube, as I don’t feel that they will get a lot of views or be very useful there. I’m happy keeping them to twitch for the time being.

I am hoping to get our twitch channel partnered so viewers can choose the quality they want to watch the stream in. This should help with some of the lag people experience. :slight_smile: