I think it looks a lot nicer.
May I suggest that you make Kingdom the largest area and include a meaningful summary of Kingdom Power, Mastery, Skill Bonus, Tribute, etc? This would smooth out the annoyance of not being able to see Kingdom progress at a glance on the Map anymore. Also I would hazard to say that will be, for the lifetime of most players, the part of a Kingdom they reference the most often so it should take up the most area.
The Quest area is a relatively insignificant aspect of this game beyond capturing new players. And since you can only go through each Quest chain once, that real estate is going to be a permanent waste as the player progresses. Same concept for Challenges (yes people go back but not really). I think these two are unnecessarily prominent.
Both challenges and Quests could show some visual level of progression at a glance.
Explore could show a lot more information like the name of the Traitstone and a summary of Traitstones that can be found in that Kingdom’s Explore.
A good improvement on looks, but please work on making the interface usable and more importantly, something that conveys meaningful information at-a-glance with the fewest required interactions.