Delves: Strategies, tactics and tips

Trying your Halls of Guardians now, but last few runns unlucky → seems like i cant get to the boss room with full squad. Either loose something in 1st or 2nd battle…
running with hoard 100, lvl 13 whitehelm(lack few deeds for 14), but did some medal upgrades on faction troops

I got this from guild discord as it was 3 months back! :slight_smile:

First room, if you can kill their Robber early, or get it to cast when you’ve stolen gold, you are fine. I’ve tended to try and kill the back troops first with Burglar and King, but if that Robber casts, it can make 14 skulls and cause damage. Usually I lose my top troop to skulls regardless.

Started recently using Tomb Robber myself, previously I dismissed it due to blowback on skulls. Killed their Robber, made a dent in the first burglar which are stealthed, so after death of 1, you can only hit with random spells and skulls and King on their last troop - Thief. Managed to get out all intact with big skull cascade.

Cedric room available. I learned never to cast King due to self destruction from a big King when Cedric charms. I figured the way to beat it was to try and let Cedric summon bombots, by killing first troop, then try and keep Bombot alive, then kill other coin purses. They still do 260+ skull damage, so must avoid skulls. Managed to keep casting burglar for 68 damage on back 2, chipped away. Then once I got a Bombot and Cedric empty, go all in on King and Robber when at 100 gold. Worked! Cedric also had a 275 bonus, so when you beat it, it adds with Moneybags.

Next room was Check Mate room, Lance Knight, Bishop, Queen Y and King HF. Either that or Goblins at both T5.

Had some real luck, Cedric had shifted King to first place. First 5 moves were 4 matches, cast of King, then Thief, so I’m 400/500. King by time cast 3 times was capable of killing any troop. So, did that, Highforge nearly got my back two, but enough.

Boss room, similar a few 4 matches, then they stole all my gold. I then next turn got all their gold, King x 5 and all then in range. Only issue would have been a multiple Robber and loads of hits, avoided it.


** Don’t put King first, you will struggle to beat the faction without a high hoard unless you get Cedric’s room. King first will make you kill your own troops as you will figure he needs stats.

Cedric only needs 8 mana to cast, unblocked. You will never stop him casting once. You need him to cast four times to recircle the wagons, but by then, probably 3 of them will be dead to charms and skull hits. Avoid casting King, save him. Those purses only use skulls, DON’T use Tomb Robber unless Cedric is full and one hit will kill the first purse. Get a Bombot up front, leave King. Soak the skulls from Bombot, if you have too and leave King full, keep filling Burglar. AI does not use purple, so Street Thief can just be cast all the time.

Be careful with allowing Cedric to cast twice, it’s imperative you leave this room with King in front. I managed to take all yellow and blue, and blue help fills Thief. In the start I’d already chipped at the back Purse and Cedric before he cast. So my main issue was the second coin purse. I managed to get that in range of Burglar and I cast King on it once I got the 3rd purse dead.

At this point, I raised King with purple from Thief, took all yellow and blue (and brown for bombot), then once I’d got King high, I cast Robber and he killed Bombot and Cedric with skulls.

Vs the T5, King got inflated stats, with Moneybags and the bug, so he could just be raised and cast. Taking Blue/Brown/Red/Purple - two of those slow down Highforge and the Bishop is irrelevant unless Ysabelle puts attack and he puts armour on the Knight. Targets are Highforge and Ysabelle, but mainly keep fuelling King.

Final room - a big King and skulls, if you can force them to cast Robber on a low skull board, then cast your Robber after them, once King is big enough, he will soak skulls and you can one shot them with skulls if i remember. So get King built up with Thief and then cast Robber after theirs, when you have 100 gold. If i remember I didn’t even need to do this. I matched a load of gems, cast King, refilled with Thief, cast him again and skulled down first troop.

Rooms, the hardest room is Xathenos, forget it. Glaycion is tough. Chessboard puzzle is fine, Nimue okay so long as you make Sea Witch your target and don’t let Siren take all it’s shots at one troop (watch for that). Goblins, nope. Not sure what else there is, oh the other Glaycion room with Snow Guardian, nope, tough, but didn’t encounter them with a full team or a Cedric bonus.


Edit actually Xathenos might work to your advantage if Grave Seer misses with it’s empowered start, but in Fell Roost for example, this room is a nightmare because Xath can 1 shot and so can Spectral Knight at 100 hoard. In COT, you may with a higher hoard, be able to survive, but in reality your best option of progression is Siren/Sea Witch or the one I had. I’m not sure if there are any others, possibly Merlion room? That would be tough, but with a big King, might be okay.

I’d fancy Siren room with a big King from Cedric as it has no skull mitigation.

Also, even if you have no Cedric room, do the delve, it helps you work the strategy.


I dont know if it help, but:

His hoard is higher than 200, Klvl 14 and for the medals probably nysha or season


Thanks a lot, @xolid99. I tried again today. Your analysis helped a lot, but my hoard needs to be higher. It’s at 155 now, and even if I had the 10% bonus from Leonis I don’t think I get thru. Maybe tomorrow.

Thanks for video @Texugo-928. My Cat Burglar only does 58 dmg, so maybe I try 3 kings again.

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Best way to beat Cedric room is this:

  1. Deprive AI of Blue and Yellow - also filling cat burglar
  2. Nick him down with Cat Burglar
  3. Only use King when Cedric is dead to ensure mana fills cat burglar

He can get 1 cast off; not two.


Yep 1 cast only. More or less what I did with added bonus of killing first purse before he cast. :slight_smile:

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When working on delves with just your 3 attempts per day, at what level did you stop trying to defeat all the rooms and just focus on beating the boss room?

I’ve noticed luck seems to change for the worse in the V rooms around level 230.

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Personally, I only do full-clears during Faction Events. Never really seems worth it, otherwise.


For me shards are at a premium so I do all rooms in daily delve where possible.

I did Fell Roost recently full clears from scratch, bar a few in event. I then resumed after event from 340 I think. I think at 440 I lost a troop to death mark first turn etc, so skipped next run as a full clear in daily and then did them all fully to 490. I skipped through 500 as room in way had Wraith and death mark on skulls. Did all of Fell Roost with Finesse, Shahbanu, Gavel and Irongut.

Generally will do full clears for all dailies, but been caught out by stuff like death mark on skull hits before, so I tend to skip lethal opponents that aren’t in the way from time to time.


When the goal was progression, I always did runs straight to boss room. Once you have all delve troops at mythic, and ~9000 shards - you don’t need more. They’ll come naturally anyways.


Fell Roost Complete Potionless

Hoard 100, bonus 50% (it is a magic kingdom after all!)

Undead Drake
Nocturnia x 2
Fell Dragon Egg

Banner - Fell Roost 2 yellow, 1 purple - green
Medals 1 Nysha, 1 MOS, 1 Anu
Elite troops - nil

Pre-battle, no faction attempt in faction event; took it to 340 I think in there, then levelled it with daily delves.

6th attempt, 1st attempt with Mythic Nocturnias (orbed it and forgot to level, yep had to orb it, insufficient shards)

Ice Cave - Glaycion/Winter Wolf/Ice Troll/Snow Guardian

Spider Nest - Tomb Spider Cocoon Spiders x 2, Giant Spider

First room
All fire on Glaycion, managed to stop it team wiping with a cast, did not cast Undead Drake at all, let it die to single skulls with Fell Dragon full. Kept resummoning Drakes to start with, but just kept hitting it with Nocturnia’s. Tactic was to let the first N sit until second full, then hit with both. If there was a skull and Egg was full, I’d take it, otherwise I let Glaycion kill the first slot. I’d faced it before a couple of times in this delve and my skull hits raised it to 1 hit with skulls, so tried to avoid that, and just watch for having a full egg and potential for cascade. Also need to be aware of Arcane on Snow Guardian. Fortunately, only Snow Guardian can reach Nocturnia 2, if you can avoid Glaycion matching doomskulls etc. It cast and missed, summoned the Fell Dragon and although it mana blocks on purple, it does a little damage. In end, killed it, then set about Snow Guardian, splash from N’s had impacted on Winter Wolf and I could kill it okay. Killed that and Snow and then eventually took down Ice Troll.

I came out with 3 Nocturnia’s and a Dragon Egg.

Spiders, threat is Tomb Spider, so mainly took red and brown, took that out fairly early, then the summoning starts. The web from Cocoon is mildly annoying, but with 3 N’s, not too bad.

Final room

Entered like so;

Lost first N to Drake and it’s spell, and nearly lost the Egg it summoned on death, 7 health…

Started to hit AI N, wanted to kill their Drake for chaff summons, but unfortunately it was on a mission to obliterate everything.

I mean it’s over really, but

I got to this point at 14 minutes;

I was 6 short of killing it, seemed okay, just keep the one Nocturnia alive… I suppose an extra Nysha would have killed it by this time.

Anyway, they killed my N and I was stuck in a cycle with no way of killing that bottom N, with the wrong things being summoned.

I killed it eventually 5 minutes later, but it summoned a full egg, which really extended the game.

No Nocturnia’s

Starting to get fed up with that bottom Egg…

More promising

In the end, got a Nocturnia;


1 100 hoard and no bonus = 1 shot range for AI Nocturnia. Probably the same with 25%.
2 Fell Dragon Egg for me was still 1 shottable even with 50% bonus. 135 health, but even with 4 diff troops (which you don’t want) that’s in range of 140 true damage Nocturnia, which also gets 1 magic for every AI cast. Ideally you want your troops with 150 life.
3 Another issue with life is AI Drake does 254 skull damage, plus will usually match a doomskull or two if it explodes and strikes with skulls. You are very close to 1 shot skull range, plus the minor explosion. I know with 50% a skull hit from it left me with 7 health, so watch that.

Couple of pointers I picked up via the thread. The last room presents a dilemma. Ideally you want to deny brown, watch purple filling the Dragon and dripping into AI Nocturnia and kill Nocturnia early. However that Drake can impact on slot 2 very easily at low hoard, in that a double hit and explosion will make slot 2 open and vulnerable to skulls. In this game, Drake recast from it’s first cast and that can be really bad.

So the dilemma is kill the Drake or Nocturnia. I chose a half way house, spells on Nocturnia, summons and skulls on Drake. In the end, their Drake went crazy. Higher hoard allows you more time to soak Nocturnia damage, deny brown all the time, and use that on your N.

With more hoard, you kill the Drake first, get chaffe in top slot and meat shield, deny brown. With less hoard, you rely on summons so much and taking down that bottom Nocturnia.

It’s one that is easily doable with patience, don’t cast the Drake unless you are hitting the summoned troop and your Egg is full.

So, in better shape towards all potionless, got back on track after a long month of trying Sunken Fleet.

However, 4 tough ones left.
Sea of Sorrows
The Warrens
Lyza’s Lair

2 at 500 awaiting starting, 1 at 460 and Lyza back at 240. I am back up with shards a bit, will do some today and maybe just level the other two with full clears and see where I am. :slight_smile:


once delves started i tried doing full clears with pure factions,
than i stopped doing pure faction full clears and went for other teams to go with full clears (that was probably somewhere when crypt keepers was released)
than i switched to shortest path do boss clears to get everything up to 500 (that was when i crafted myself HKI, cant remember what faction was up those days, maybe frostfire keep /amanithrax ?)

i did daily full clears of hall of mirrors at lvl 500, when i hit all factions @500, but after getting some lazy drops from lvl 9/10 chests i stopped doing daily delves (was at the point where everything was @500, and only pure faction was missing + i didnt need shards while having ~10k of spare ones, after getting all delve troops to mythics)

currently trying to do every new faction up to pure 500 on it’s release weekend, and as long as i can support it with gems i’ll probably do it, (unless another Lyrasza’s Lair is released, hate that one, too much RNG for my taste)
also using daily delves to push pure faction while having hoard between 100 and 123 (123 is max i got while getting hoard quality up to lvl 10), using teams/strats from this topic


I took a break from City of Thieves (and WoT), and finally got lucky with Crypt Keepers. +380 renown for my troubles, and +4 Purple foods…Minito Mori glitch back in the day.

Friendly Reminder: Silver Necroplis event Tuesday for all the new folks needing Life and Death. I’m noticing less and less of it in PvP. gl hf


If you see the currently ingame available calendars it seems there is no new delve in July as after the invasion weekend we see a bounty scheduled not a delve event.
Any ideas?

I’m guessing on the 17th?

That seems later than normal though. I guess the 5.0 update is messing up/changing timing of events

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@Sytro — please do let me know if any notes I made could be elaborated upon to make your go in Hall of Guardians any better; I try to be thorough, but might have left out something important if reaching the boss room is still proving difficult.

To all else: beat Fell Roost potionless, but not as impressively, I think, as others have already demonstrated:

Hoard 122
Blighted Lands level 14
Legendary Helmut
3 Medals of Seasons
Fell Banner (to quickly refill eggs)

The hardest part is easily the second room. None of the dragons are really built to deal with the sorts of teams you’re up against: Xathenos hits too hard after one cast, Spectral Knight will end you if you manage to kill him; Orcs can tank endlessly (though perhaps not if you get lucky summons); Glaycion is obviously dangerous, but even more so with the backups giving hunters marks and free-targetable damage (re: Snow Guardian can go suck on his carrot); and any other room I’m forgetting is equally awful, trust me. Getting past the V room is (mostly) luck, I think.

The V room I beat was Glaycion, and only because it didn’t get a doomskull cascade. I targeted the wolf primarily, hoping that mana-thieving all the purple and brown would be enough to stop the jeopardy of Glaycion. Worked out.

I don’t really remember the third room—too many doomskulls to the face taken today for my thoughts to be clear—whichever one is the easiest. The team I had at the end was: Bone Drake (what I wanted) / Nocturnia (wanted) / Fell Dragon (was supposed to be Nocturnia) / Fell Dragon Egg (wanted).

I only won the final battle because there was enough mana on the board to fuel me, and not enough to fuel the opponent after. That’s it. Never ran into situations where I had to take skulls and provide the opponent mana, either. So: luck.

I spent every cast of Nocturnia I could get on theirs. My fell dragon I cast on Bone Drake, to get a dragon into that slot that had less attack with which to hurt me. Got especially lucky when the summoned frontline ended up being a Nocturnia (I think maybe even twice!), which really helped mana block the major danger on the other side—she was dead before she got a cast off. That was key—that’s all it takes, is extraordinarily good boards.

What little “strategy” I can offer is this: if your Nocturnia’s are gone, you’re in trouble; if your eggs are gone, you’re in trouble; if you don’t have either, you have lost. And losing seemed to, for me, follow a similar pattern: eggs would end up on top, Bone Drakes on the bottom, and my inverted team would be unable to claw back.

So I eventually stopped casting eggs if I was trying to replace the last spot with an egg (which seemed to me to be an essential victory condition) UNLESS I had no choice because I had no Nocturnias with which to summon eggs; this brings to light the other major area of luck in the delve: as bad as summoning is in Mirrored Halls and—worse, Stonesong Eyrie—this is a sort of weird hybrid of the two where you have lower chances of getting what you want but more agency in the attempt. Just so, you know, you can be disappointed when the wrong thing gets summoned, or Nocturnia doesn’t leave you with an Empowered Fell Egg (I got one each time on the successful run—often did not on the runs I failed).

Anyway, good luck to all, in the Underworld and in the Wars to come.

I lay this down only with the hope that it might be found helpful to someone in The Horde



it’s perfectly fine, i got to boss room few times with my my full team, but guess that missing that 25% on hoard (only lvl 13 in whitlehelm atm) from whitehelm is what’s stopping me from beating it (at most i was able to kill off silent guardian and gargoyle, but my gargoyle wasn’t able to push trough the last 2 guys…)

Werewoods down, potionless.

Very nearly did it yesterday as shown, will delete that now.

I had been using Werebird, Werebear, Tobern, Werecat and the Meteor banner for most of my efforts. Very handy for Tobern’s.

Drawback was the weakness of the bird to skulls at faction 500 and agile on opponents. The advantage was obviously Hunter’s Marks. However with Tobern able to hunter’s mark the first two on cast, and sometimes having 3 or even 4 Toberns, I figured the Bear, would work better with guaranteed hit with first enrage if you explode him. He also has a measly 20% skull protection, which is better than 0.

Also, get something in the banner to help fill it. The standard Werewoods banner

So went with;

Werewoods Banner, 2 red, 1 green, -1 blue


A lot of stats from 4 troops and max pet, 50% bonus. Hoard 220. I figure it is doable sub 200, but for me it was irrelevant if I want to do all without ever beating them with potions. Time/speed of winning with daily delves is better for this method.
2 MoS, 1 Anu

Gold Werebird/Werebear - didn’t bother with Cat or Toby.

Shard situation, spent 11k shards to raise the hoard.

Out of first room, with no changes to the team. In here, the strategy is not to allow their Bear to hit you while it’s enraged. So, take him out without using explode on your bear if you can, then explode once you have hunter’s on the Werebird.

Don’t think anything transformed.

Second room - Faery Ring

Main issue - Glitterclaw at the back and Toadstool transforming.

Went through fairly easy, crashed Tobern to stop Glitterclaw, making sure no skulls align, so no blue for it to convert. Once you kill Fey Cap, only enchant on red for them, so you can force fire Tobern’s to try and get any changed troops back, with full health. A few changes, had 2 bears and no Tobern at all at the end.

Third room - Viper’s Nest - possibly easier than some of T4 rooms, pretty convincing beat down of that, but order ruined. 2 Tobern’s, 2 Bird’s. I hit Venoxia for 800 skull damage though with a large swathe of brown to skulls.

Next room 4, Witches Coven T3

Aanother transform, and after a cast of Bear, it changed to Tobern. There followed at least 10 agiles from Sylvasi, even aligning 16 skulls on brown, it agiled 3 of the 4 matching 4 matches of skulls. In the end, I nearly killed Hag before it with chip damage from bird and cat.

Boss room

First Tobern changed to a cat early on, not much use I thought… stats down a little, but 2 x Tobern could raise them sharp.

but he does triple damage with 13 red… so fired on their Cat, ignored that 6 damage Bear so as not to waste a full load of Tobern on 6 health.

It worked out, did that twice to within 2 lots of skull matches to kill it. My Cat did turn into a
Tobern on 2nd cast, but board very heavy for Tobern. Then started casting 2nd Tobern with first full, to try and keep at least 1 Tobern.

AI Tobern didn’t cast once.

3 left now, not quite sure where to go Lair, Warrens or SoS. Hoards are all 100, so need some investment! :slight_smile:


Warrens or SoS - I did Warrens with hoard 200. Regret spending gems/potions on SoS with hoard 200.


Thanks to you (and everyone on this treat, obviously); we finished all 21 factions potionless :sunglasses: :100: :raised_hands: