Delves: Strategies, tactics and tips

Yeah this is the core of my post in a lot fewer sentences.

I’m never going to have the time to go from level 10 to 500 on a weekend, so this is not a solution for me. I can slowly hoard the gems to do it. I can’t bank weekend time. I turn into a miserable human being if I don’t hang out with friends and go outside on the weekend.

But hey, now the leaderboard is pretty and there’s only level 500 players, so I’m sure we’ll have a lot less discussion about how to reach level 500 now that if you spend enough gems, any combination of the faction troops will work. Dev mission accomplished :partying_face:

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Leaving aside am not a B1 star and a leeching vip 0 too (last 2 gw’s we was in b2, next in b1 but we will never win it, we’re kinda idgaff about gw and we got NO REQS about it either), gotta tell you a secret.

Any leaderboard event in this game since i started it was Pay To Win!

Potions make if Pay To Be Able To Do and got zero to do with the Pay To Win, cuz exactly like before, and like always will be, will just win who put more gems on it.

Then, if you wanna get ripped off buying the dumb dungeon “offer” every day (when only sunday one got any sense), if you WASTE gems in lotto boxes, aka keys, with next to 0 chances to give anything then OFC you wont have any gems for it.

I started this week with 7200 gems, upped all sentinels to 5 for gw, paid 90 gems for tuesday event (gained 10 actually cuz board), spent 3110 on new faction event and spent 200 gems on dungeon and will end the week with 4300.

2900 gems spent considering all what i got and the time saved (also posting on the "what make you angry playing gow thread) are well worth, LOT more than wasting them in dungeon or keys (used 1k gem keys past week chasing the mythic for nothing, how many gems those would be? got her this week in 50 guild chests…).

Oh, i am on ps4 so cant even use the stupid cellphone to collect tribute when i want.

Maybe ppls should learn to manage they income but who know, maybe someday Devs will handle everything on a silver plate.

There’s things to moan about (like old weapons i miss too and are useful) but pots are the last of them.

Ps: just read about the “time needed”, lol, more than one ppl got 2500 renown in that event the first day of the event, actually 1 in few hours, you defo dont NEED a whole weekend for that (beside, feel hilarious coming from someone that claim to do hundreds and hundreds pvp matches, for those seem the time isnt a prob).

PPs: tier 7 x 10 is an insane overkill also, both as firepower and sigils, in fact still got sigils and getting ravens so gonna let you raise your posts count and finish it, hf.

OK so we can see that the devs are cashing in on the faction event big time. I predicted this would be the case but that’s not a problem. The potion and gem spending required to build a leaderboard like this relies heavily on resource and time availability. Those who don’t have such availability are thus left with the same problem as before, giving them a distinct disadvantage as far as maxed pets and renown are concerned. Its spend to win all over again, and players have taken the bait.

I love the new delves

I’mma counter here:

There’s no way for a new player to hit the PvP leaderboard. You have to have a meta team, which means a lot of legendaries and maybe a mythic. There’s just not a fast way to buy your way to that.

$400 is easily +100 stats to your faction team. $600 is easily an additional 60+ stats on top of that. At some dollar amount, you can trounce faction 500 with 4x Peasant. Then you’re the level 100 guy at the top of the leaderboard everyone’s whining is a cheater.

Never before have dollars translated to stats. They only translated to sigils, but you needed progress to convert sigils to points. In the faction event, stats translate to progress, and dollars translate to stats.

So anyone with $1k to burn could probably do a stunt run and low-level the leaderboard. I’d do it myself except that many sigils take more time than I have to play.

This is going to be true of every event. Dollars are stats, stats are progress, you no longer need troops to win the leaderboard. PvP is the last place it’s not true.

For now. That’s going to be resolved when the PvP revamp hits and everyone is bracketed Guild Wars style into their mini-leaderboards.

Sadly, I don’t expect this statement to be valid much longer.

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Anyone have any guesses how many tier 7s have to be bought to survive the 5 room delves (The Warrens/Fang Moor)?

On one hand, more stats are great. On other hand, it wouldn’t be that hard for the AI to get lucky and give you a bad day…

Here’s my guess: enough tier 7’s to reach floor 500 without full-clearing anything. ’Cause if I am trying to do this in a weekly event, I surely am not spending the time on floors I can’t OHKO things on.

That’s, what, 10 purchases? I’m thinking you’d get three Valravens out of the first 45 floors.

I don’t want to get into talking about how hypothetical future leaderboards will work because they aren’t here today and I have already wasted a lot of my life with worry and anxiety about the future.

Keep in mind my complaint isn’t “you have to spend gems to LB” because as people who reflexively defend everything point out you need a lot of sigils. My complaint is ‘with enough potions, your troops, kingdoms, traits, and factions don’t matter’.

A smaller leaderboard could be better. I’ve played games where the top spots were unattainable without spending a lot, but the player base was happy because the somewhat lower tiers still had exceptional rewards and were reachable. Right now GoW only feels like it doles out worthy rewards to about 50 players.

I don’t care if someone can buy the #1 spot if I know I can fight, for free, to get a #100 spot that feels like it gives me a relevant reward. For comparison, in the other game I mentioned, the prizes for fighting to the tiers I always tried to reach started with something as strong as an Orb of Ascension, and if I could get past that tier it turned into 3 Orbs and quickly escalated. Current LBs don’t really dole out that much to anyone but the very top.

ooooh daaaamn


Great work! What team did you use? Can you go a bit into your strategy?

I am uploading the whole 30 min video from start to finish

^ this was the team
I was sacrificing Redthorn to get Treant and buff his magic with Dark Dryad. If she stays alive long enough to hit magic buff twice, it was always manageable to get to the final boss. I’ve done a lot of times before Today I got luckier with entangles and enemy Redthorn didn’t get mana to cast too many times so I survived with all 4 troops and got Treant to 600+ attack!


I bought Tier 7 five times. Did all rooms until 250. Got bored and did mins until 400, when I saw the finish line, and did all again. Had enough for 1st try pure win with 2 tries to spare. Good enough for 40ish on PS4 leader board.

And here it is


youre alder gives treants…? mine almost never has xD

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I feel like your video is missing a Helloooooo Everybody, but congrats :slight_smile:


5 tries had been done. Still not successful. Goddamnit! :rage:

It’s definitely possible to beat Level 300 here with just Hoard Level 100, as TheIdleOne have proved. In the Boss room, your 2 Vanyas can only survive 3 of thier AoE hits, so it will be a bit tight. But as long as you can keep them from ever matching yellow gems, you should be able to prolong the match long enough to win it, even if their Vanya keep getting Blessed by her own trait and Necrocorn’s cast.

My last match today was so close. Survived first room with no problem, passed random ridiculousness of Dragon Hatchery by giving them Deathmarks, and won with still no casualties. Things were going so well in last room. Got hit twice by thier Vanya, but managed to kill most of their troop first before 3rd hit, leaving only lone Bone Golem. Both my Vanyas were still alive, but random one-hit skulls soon take my first Vanya away. Match was frustratingly slow, dued to lack of Draugr summon and my inability to keep my Bone Golem survive long enough. Got to this point, and quite certain I would win it. Then of course, this happened… :sob:

For Level 500, while I think it’s possible, it might be too optimistic to win just Hoard Level 100, and can only take 1 (or 2?) AoE hit. It will rely too much on luck. Would need more stats to survive a bit longer of better odds.

Well for floor 500, you can take 2 hits, each cast is like 128? before boost ratio. It hurts and you don’t want to be on the receiving end of it though lol. Getting the hoard up to survive 3 hits will make it a ton easier, but would be pricey on the hoard cost though.

Mainly the strategy is to play keep-away with yellow, preferably over the well being of your top slot. If/when it dies, you can just resummon. Depending on risk assessment, if you think you won’t get skull cascaded, its best to let the AI murder your first slot if you’re close to refilling Vanya and just cast to replace the dead troop.

If the match goes too long, almost no amount of Bone Golem buffing is surviving 1,000 dmg :stuck_out_tongue:

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2 hits seems like promising bet. Gotta try that a bit when I reach there, then calculate how much hoard level I will need for better odd, and make my decision.

As I said in previous post, my strategy is now not mcuh different than yours. Wish we have +2 Yellow/+1 Purple Banner.

I used to match all the Purple Gems, which make Vanya fill up quicker, but Bone Golem casting less.

I almost kill original Golem first in one try.

Matching Yellow gems make Bone Golem cast more, reach one-hit attack quicker, and harder to kill. But I agree, taking out their Vanya is your top priority. You can fight with random skull cascade, but can’t survive full AoE.

Also, I mentioned buffing my Bone Golem for its attack stats, not ability to survive. You need some strong skulls attack to outpace its healing, and shorten the match, thus reducing the risk.

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Be careful. Actually killing the enemy Bone Golem is dangerous, as its one less troop blocking mana to Vanya. If either of the other troops decides to spam purple after the Bone Golem is dead, there’s a high chance Vanya gets filled quickly.

Its what caused me to fail a run with potions lol.