Deeds - Discussion and Critique

I was going to say yes. But since they didn’t even bother to update the news section about it. No. Can’t expect every player to use the forums or discord to find out about updates.
This should have a “4.5 is now out” and it should pop up as often and as annoying as flash offers until the individual updates.

But at the same time… Our current AB on 4.5 should be nothing but gem rewards to motivate those who know about the update, to update.


Remember when we released Ingots and some players got more than others because they updated sooner and everyone was so mad with us because of that.

We listened to that feedback and took it to heart - no Deeds on Adventure Board til force update :slight_smile:

Also not everyone gets the update at the same time because it takes time to roll out across all stores and regions so we’re giving everyone the chance to have the update available before forcing it or there’d be players who can’t play the game at all.

That is completely out of our hands so we wait.

Double also: If we force updated today we wouldn’t be here if anything went wrong with the forced update on the weekend.


Kafka beat me, I was going to mention the opinions regarding epic ingots upon release.

We will be force updating next week, so please sit tight. As Kafka mentioned earlier, we want this to be as fair as possible, which is why things have fallen this way. And after some of the issues that we have been having over weekends, we have been reviewing our processes and are doing our best to ensure that there is as little as possible going out on a Friday that could impact the game and our players.


About how often will we see deeds per week on average?


It’s not really fair that the people choosing not to update can get gems when the rest of us aren’t though.

How is this different from linking pets to kingdom progress?
“Collect something incredibly rare, with no way to increase your odds and pray you don’t just get this resource but exactly the right type as well”
I don’t like it, but it fits the mechanics already in the game perfectly.

Thank you very much Kafka. I like this and very appreciate your decision!


I thought us keeping track of our zero deeds wasn’t really meaningful, didn’t realize we had literally zero deeds in the AB tasks right now.

Even when they’re actually released though, they’re in a number of epic+ tasks and those are not frequent enough as it is. Soooo… 55 months, yay.

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It was actually the other way around, those who played sooner got less than those who waited for a few days. Any remotely active player had already climbed to PvP tier 1, because the game strongly encourages you to do so. The extra rewards were only available to the mostly inactive players who hadn’t started yet.

I’m getting the impression a lot of our feedback gets lost in translation, or at least seriously garbled. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Why not force the update immediately upon release? It’s an online-only game, so there’s no good reason for players to not download the update. I’ve seen plenty of other online games do this.


Different platforms and different regions get the update at different times, and there is apparently only a single world-wide setting for minimum allowed version.

Ok. So why not force the update as soon as all regions and platforms get access to it? Surely it doesn’t take 5 days.


Actually it does and this is the problem.

The time Kafka mentioned when Ingots rolled out involved the Apple App Store releasing days after everyone else. It was only a couple of updates ago we had a major Apple App Store screwup that even delayed a Fortnite patch. IIRC it took almost a week for the game to update (this wasn’t the ingots update IIRC? I can’t remember.) Imagine if everyone else had a week full of daily deeds while you sat waiting.

I don’t see a lot of other F2P games I’m playing having these issues, but I don’t want to go too deep into that because literally all of the context I’d need to decide if GoW is abnormal involves sausage-making details that the devs won’t and can’t give me. It strikes me that the games I play with the smoothest updates tend to only target mobile and maintain completely separate servers + updates per region. (As in China has a server with version this, Japan has a server with version that, and “everyone else” has a server with a third version.) That generally means by the time the US version of some feature releases, 2/3 of the game has already tested it. It also means if any one update process fails, 2/3 of the servers don’t realize there’s a problem. GoW is much more homogenous so perhaps that’s why it’s more fragile.

If I had to answer @Kafka’s question:


Honestly, you’ll answer my questions when deeds start deploying. My anxiety surrounds how pay-to-win they are. But your answer today would be useless because I expect the rates are going to need to be tweaked several times over the next few months to find the balance between monetization and F2P you want.


(this one’s for @Saltypatra too):

“We do not plan to distribute AB deeds until this date next week so more players are able to get the update” should have been BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS at the top of the patch notes. Players were anxious about deeds, with the most cynical rumors being, “Deeds are going to drop 1/month or less, you have to buy flash offers to see kingdoms upgraded before next year.” This did nothing but reinforce the worst speculation!

It’s very consistent that players are more angry about the things we are not told, rather than the things we’re told we have to swallow.


To echo what several others mentioned, I’m really scratching my head why Deeds were not included as the reward structure for Tier X challenges. I think 7 colored and one Imperial Deed would really be a great ending. As it stands I have zero incentive to play the new challenges based on the current reward structure.

  • Why didn’t the patch notes mention prominently that the deeds supposedly available from the Adventure Board won’t be available at all for at least the first week?
  • Will the planned kingdom levels past 15 require even more of the current deeds to upgrade, further increasing the advantage of frequently buying Flash Offers?
  • Gems are considered the premium currency of this game, why can deeds only be bought for cash, especially since they are a resource, not a commodity?
  • I’m having serious doubts the team realizes how huge a gap they are introducing between paying and non-paying players. This isn’t getting one of many troops traited early or adding one of many old event weapons to your inventory, each purchase is an exclusive stat bonus for all your troops for several years to come. Looking at the big picture the advantage is so extraordinary, I wouldn’t be surprised if the more competitive guilds add an early “all kingdoms at level 15” requirement for their members, essentially requiring them to pay money. Please don’t make this another weapon upgrade fiasco, a half-baked idea left unattended even well past a year after shoving it down the throats of the community, which very accurately pointed out all the flaws right at the start.

This isn’t a fair question, since it could be asked about everything that gets offered for cash. Troops are just a resource, as are traitstones and orbs, yet I routinely see them offered in flash sales for cash.

It remains to be seen how often deeds come up for sale via flash offers, as that rate compared against AB sets how quickly players with deep pockets can get ahead. Given that a single minor Orb of Ascension was, what, $25 (I think) last time it appeared in a flash offer, I strongly suspect deeds will not come cheap—especially imperial deeds. This means that relatively fewer players will be willing to buy them, which I think is better than if deeds were cheap but still not $0.

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But it is a fair question, please notice the “only” part. The other resources you mention can be bought by means other than cash, most prominently gems. There’s chests, event shop tiers, even guild tasks, none of those are locked behind a paywall.

And deeds exist on the adventure board, theoretically.

Just like troops exists as part of each kingdom quest line. Both have in common that they can only be completed once, troops you can get extras without buying a Flash Offer. If you plan to propose that it should be possible to repeat Adventure Tasks by paying gems I’ll be sure to upvote. :wink:

Well it’s good to hear that it was intended that we aren’t getting deeds purposely
My only question then becomes, are the upper rarity AB going to be as often as it needs to be : 5-7 days a week or 0-4?