Death troop and Death Mark

There are 9 troops with Impervious, and more with Warded. They aren’t all great, but Behemoth and Manticore are undeniably good. Manticore especially counters Death super hard, being unmarkable, and able to disable traits and drain mana. And, Amira can one shot Death usually, even if they have most kingdoms 5 starred.

Death Mark is great when it triggers and kills stuff. The rest of the time, you spent a lot of mana and a turn casting it, to get literally nothing. Use counter troops, use cleanse, it’s definitely beatable. Make a hard counter team if it frustrates you that much. It isn’t even close to as overpowered as devour, it isn’t reliable. I mostly just use it for farming souls.

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In that case sorry. I must have confused your team with a few of your guildmates. I running anti bombor

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It was 2 turn before and Death was totaly useless cause most of the time death mark was lost in 1-2 turns. I am sorry to say that but death mark is ok like this but i agree they should not add more troop with this ability


That’s not really a good justification. You’re just proving my point that this game is devolving into grief-fest. :weary:

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You do know that hard counters are often an indication of imbalance and power creep right?

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Bang on the money.

his name is Death, what did you expect? he will give everyone a hug??

It isn’t about the troop, it’s about the status effect. We all agree that Desth Mark with a 2-turn ramp was too weak. But setting it zero is like Bone Dragon producing 50 skulls or Maw devouring more than one troop in a single turn.

It doesn’t require ANY skill. It’s 100% RNG cheese. That’s not challenging, it’s just annoying.


I like death mark the way it currently is. That 2 turn crap was horrible though.
If they were to change it I wouldn’t mind a 1 turn delay.

On console I only ever see mana drain troops. PvP is so slow and boring now cause of it. I actually welcome the occasional BD team.

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I wouldn’t have an issue with death mark having a 1 turn delay. It would be nice if you had at least a chance of cleansing. But, other than that, I like the mechanic as is.


Let’s not completely nerf death mark and make it useless. If they’re going to do anything to death mark I’d suggest adjusting it in the form of giving said mechanic a 1 turn grace period and it can only kill 1 random enemy troop. Seems pretty decent.


Alright then completely remove death mark and make everyone lost 5 health on every turn

There are so many slots for teams and options to beat various opponents, it’s strategy… Very similar to almost any form of competition I have ever taken part in. Why does something being strong matter when you have a counter at your disposal? I would understand if one didn’t exist. I always have at least a couple team slots dedicated to crushing specific teams I find annoying. It feels great using them against people trying to grief you.

I honestly can’t see them changing it. Most of this game is RNG. Your either gonna get screwed over or do the screwing yourself.

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I hope bro, there is so many troops that need change before this

I haven’t ever lost a match to Death. I especially enjoy 2xDeath or even 3xDeath teams as they die extra quick. Being able to win isn’t the point, The mechanics in this game have become increasingly powerful over time while relying on hard counters instead of balancing existing troops.

As I said earlier, infantry and tanks are now completely useless. It’s a race to hit that red button and launch the nukes. There’s no tactics at all. Field whatever ridiculously overpowered team is meta and rip off 100+ straight wins.

It’s not fun when the ONLY way you can lose is to get completely jobbed by a fluke like Devour or Deathmark. This game used to be more like chess. Now it’s pretty much like checkers, only all of your chips are already Kings at the start of the game.


If this game were different in a lot of other ways (such as true PvP and not vs AI), I would want more balance. As is, however, I think it’s acceptable. If true PvP ever happens, a ban list would be an easy solution for certain formats.

Just leave dm alone please. Thanks! :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Most people with death bought them. And the other horseman. Teams around level 100 with 3 horseman these days. Death kills 3 team members within 3 turns alone. To fight 3 horseman you can only use a half dozen or so maxed characters. One of them has only just been fixed. No horseman , Mab or Korvash and you struggle. Mab and Korvash are doable even with 1 horseman sometimes. Drop rates for these cards outside vip chests is low. Game is not only cheap these days it really has become pay to win. Deathmark is supposed to be 10% yet routinely 3 dead in 3 turns with Death.
Conclusion - game has sold out - no skill gets around the half dozen overpowered sold cards with precious few made available to non payers - it looks good on paper routine. You want a strong base for a big game but restrict opposition to very few cards to counter pay to win with difficulty - pointless exercise because its boring. Game is now boring because its not a true contest anymore with the restricted characters.
505 wants the money and pretends it wants a real game. It doesn’t - sheggra became widely available after it was devalued like all the other overpowered cards that were rebalanced. How many tactics have you got to fight death and the other horseman with so few cards? You pay for the convenience of quick and easy wins - the big guilds love it. Money and elitism dominate the game now, and people can pretend otherwise but thats the truth of it. Take out paying to see the opposition team and watch people scream about pvp because most people avoid the bought overpowered teams by looking first. its notable that most people here avoid mentioning vip chests drop rates compared to others, but the absence only explains why the gameplay has become stale. There’s no contest or fun when 2 sets of rules are in operation, and 505 took the console version back and screwed it up. Guilds offer a way back in the future but 40,000 seals is a lot - i’ve almost quit several times lately because its pretty obvious things have become really unbalanced and waited for the heralded update. It doesn’t deliver because its not meant to redress 505 pay to win strategy.
Till glory,gem, and event chests have drop rates restored to what they were the game will continue to die because no true contest by 505 design. Yeah they need the money, but they got too greedy in my opinion.
Have a safe holiday you all and pay to win in the new year.

I used gorgotha, valk, justice and mab. Easily killed deaths and the others. No problem. There’s always a way…