Crit Happens! is recruiting again (no requirements)

Hi. I Would like to join. I left my previous guild because they were inactive.
I’m kinda of a new play but i try to get on the game everyday.

Invite code is BADIR

Invite sent :slight_smile:

Hey can you tell me what your weekly donations are like ? And if you take in people that do come online a couple of times a day but don’t have time to pvp

Hi, im level 178, i can donate 100-200 trophies a week, im just looking to relocate guilds because i feel i have outgrown the guild i joined when i was brand new to the game. Im currently working on a new team since MAB got nerfed, but i should be able to start donating to tasks in no time at all!

Invite code : KODY

we dont actually care about the trophies. They are cool though :slight_smile: Gold donations to guild are good :slight_smile:

We do aprox 4 to 5 mil a week between the 25 active members and my 2 lazy kids (j/k - they contribute too). Summer time has hit our gold a little. Right now we are focusing on keys, gems, and the 11k token (because it is cheapest of the souls, maps and tokens). we also understand trying to max kingdom levels and vacations stuff - just let us know whats going on.

If you are interested please send your invite code.

if you are doing a lot of trophies - we ask about 200 gold per trophy. sounds like a lot but a week it is about 20,000 to 40,000 for the numbers given.

if you are interested, please leave your current guild. and let me know. :slight_smile:

Hey, thanks kzinti. I was asking because i’ve been in a couple of guilds (top100) that required trophies, and i just rarely had time. And even if i had put all my gold that week, like 30-40k, and others only put 10k but brought tons of trophies, i would have been kicked and not them.
I’ll think about it… i like that you are organised. How many slots do you still have available ?

*EDIT - I think you have 3 left based on 25 + 2 kids. I didn’t realise it at first.

Hi, I’d like to join. I’m on most days, Level 72, mainly building up my kingdoms atm.
Invite code is CUTOID

Is this on Android if so my invite code is: R4GEASAURUS REX

Hey … i decided, my code is “PACPAC 1”. If you decide and there’s still room in the guild, tell me, and i’ll leave my current guild

we are currently full again. ill put in a list to contact when we have openings again. ---- @Delagyela @cutoid @R4GEASAURUS you guys are first on my list :slight_smile:

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Alright, send me a message first and i will see what happenin