Crimson Dawn

In fact there isnt even a real Troop 1000 - its a draw!
I also hope we get a suprise before, otherwise lets just keep up our hopes for troop 10000 :kissing_heart:

Hmm, my second VIP-0 Acccunt says, atm its easier to get Power Orbs than the right Tarots…

I got copies on my main and Alt (of the sun and the emperor both).

It’s rng, as usual.

I barely got enough to craft and orb of power but got the sun 2 or 3 times on my main.

I blame it on Devs listening to player feedback :sunglasses:


Is Wereraven obtainable through chest now? The currently system is a mess for those of us that does not follow the Campaign.

Almost certainly not. I’d expect 4 weeks from now.

But who knows, really? It’s not a great system.


We’re still in the release campaign for the troop. New troops are available 3-4 weeks after release. The last day for the release of the troop you are looking for is the end of this week before next week’s reset.
I wouldn’t expect it for 3-4 weeks from this coming Monday.

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Wouldn’t it be great if we could click on a troop in our owned/unowned collection and it would show us the chests it could currently show up in? So easy to implement, and after all these years we still have to rely on some external news article that got it wrong way too often in the past.


Yeah, that would be hell helpful!

In-game help for how the game works? In the game? That’ll never happen.

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Firstly, no I can’t, I don’t think explaining that is necessary. Not why I’m actually here…

Secondly, this …

… seems to be wrong. Some dozen plus fights after seeing Hatir, not a single Werestag has appeared. Thought Hatir was on a ‘once-every-five’ pattern or something until it finally rolled two in a row, but its still definitely not “equal” chance (though clearly more equal than Werestag…).

Either that or its just given me a result that has absurdly low odds of occurring. Which would make sense (slightly?), given the higher-than-normal amount of RNG in this campaign.