Chuck Norris Gems of War Facts

Chuck Norris is so bad ass, he once got every single legendary troop from a 50glory key pull, and then disenchanted them because he has no need for them


Chuck Norris doesn’t match gems, they move themselves for him.


Chuck Norris doesn’t open chests, he puts his excess troops in there for others to find.


Chuck Norris found famine day before it’s release. While opening gold chests.


When Chuck Norris goes Treasure Hunting, he matches 3 copper coins and whole board turns to Vaults!

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Chuck Norris holds the Arena record of 23-0, while entering as a one man team.

He accomplished this in a total time of 2 minutes and 33 seconds.

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Chuck Norris can play Gems of War even during server maintenance.


I’m not sure who this Chuck guy is, but from everything said here I assume he’s a hacker/cheater, possibly the one behind the Swen Giba incident. Is that correct?



Chuck Norris is an actor who is the center or “Chuck Norris Facts” humorous (often impossible) feats are credited to his doing like: “When Chuck Norris does push-ups he doesn’t push himself up, he pushes the earth down”

Chuck Norris’ children work so well together that their teamwork is legendary… We call this well oiled Mechine “Goblins”

Very impressive. Still, doesn’t sound too exciting when in relation to GoW, as most of the ‘facts’ just make him look like a hacker whose biggest feat is not getting banned yet.



That is the biggest reason he is seen as a god but we never talk about those that are stronger than him because that is no joking matter. On with the “facts.” Chuck Norris once bowed to a peasant, the peasant then felt so honoured that he became king of his own country.


Oh but didn’t he meet his match against Segata?
Though I guess it could’ve gone either way.

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So 12 people are as strong or stronger than chuck norris officially, and that looked like a draw to me even though you know it was epic.

It’s a somewhat well known Internet meme, the intention is to credit Chuck Norris with the most absurdly exaggerated feats possible.

Chuck Norris played Gems of War until he reached level -1. Twice.


Nonononono. It was level infinity. In fact it was even level Infinity + 2 :wink:


That’s just half the way. He obviously got there and kept playing, making the number wrap around. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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