Quickest Rise to Level 1000

In truth the quick rise from level 1 to level 1000 was actually accomplished in a single minute, the day before the game was actually released.

How was this possible you ask? Only one guy knows for sure, the guy who made leval 1000 long before @MrSammy was level 2 but so very humbly declined to take credit.

And this one man’s name is…

#Chuck Norris


Chuck Norris was already at 1001 by that point.

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Sorry @Shiratori
An oversight on my end but your actually completely right

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Every time an enemy was skipped pre 2.0 for being level 9001, that enemy was

#Chuck Norris

Venoxia bit Chuck Norris once, and after 3 agonizing days… Venoxia died.

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