Carlos Dangerzone -- looking for one player ANY LEVEL

We’re currently rank low-600s and climbing. Very friendly and welcoming to new players. We encourage GROWTH within the guild (ie, max your kingdoms before you contribute gold!). We love low level players!

No hard requirements other than being an active player. What’s that look like? Play at least few times a week. If you’re earning 1,000-1,500 seals per week, you’re in the right ballpark. Give weekly guild activities a shot. Chat with us to give and get advice (guild chat is always hopping, plus we have a private Xbox club, and I’m always up for party chat to help you out).

If you’re looking for a solid guild to grow with (and get a bunch of tasks along the way), you’d be perfect! PM or party chat me on Xbox. I’m on most evenings EST. GT: Lazy Swayze