Can the game still be enjoyed?

Have been playing on the Switch for more then 3 years and seen the game go from fun to tedious and frustrating. The final straw was the “compensation” Switch players got for the synch with other systems which was more an insult then helping to catch up with everything missed. Not to mention the lack of communication when it was delayed. Having to ask for what was going on is not proper communication.

The game mostly keeps on adding things that no one asked for while ignoring things that people actually ask for that would improve the game by alot. Such as in the Tower of Doom event seeing in game which rooms are cleared by others and what it gives. Using a different site for that isn’t how it should be.
For PvE there is also not a good way to get Draconite. Having that added to PvP, while at same time making PvP more overwhelming, isn’t the answer it might have seemed.

Don’t want to make this topic to long as others already made bigger lists of promises that were made that never happened and those don’t seem to be listened to antway by the devs.
Just wanted to give my opinion and ask people what their ways are to still enjoy the game.


The devs care about one thing: pvp

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Can the game still be enjoyed?

Yes, yes, absolutely.

Just don’t keep climbing up that P2W, or more for me, the Pay-to-Complete wall. Players all have their spend limits, and there will come a time (if we aren’t there already) when adding paywalls actually decreases total revenue from players leaving.


The compensation we got for the “catch up and synch” was an insult, and they keep defending that it was meant to be just “a boost to help people get going.”

A boost to get going? I know they had difficulties getting all the updates and new content for us, but this was so inconsiderate. The compensation we got could be gotten for not even a day’s worth of effort. We missed out on 4 entire campaigns worth of content, not to mention the 12 deed books (or 24 if you paid for the elite pass). It’s like they threw us off a cliff, let us get back up, and then kicked us in the face.:dizzy_face:


if you mind me asking, what did the Switch get?

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deed books can also earned in newer campaigns, so there is not really a loss here, because i doubt they will ever stop releasing new campaigns. I would be more annoyed about the now unowned mythics, because crafting each one should take many months. Pets are another thing. In my opinion the fairest solution would be the hand out all the missed unique stuff. (troops, pets, weapons) - but this will never happen. At least you guys no longer live in the past, lol. :eyes:

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For all the stuff we missed Switch playere got this as compensation:

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The troops are indeed a very big annoyance. As you can see above here for several missed Delve Faction events as compensation only 200 chaos shards were given.
Would enjoy the game more if they didn’t synch to be fair and throw such an insult of a bare compensation in our faces. At least then me and others could have earned the rewards normally without missing out on things and needing to work extra hard to get missed pets, weapons and troops of every rarity from even basic to mythic.

wow… that’s basically nothing…

not enough to craft any 1 weapon from any missing event or campaign…

no event keys to pull any missing troops from a kingdom…

200 chaos shards may as well be 0.

feels like every number here is missing a 0


It can still be enjoyed. We have some great guild members so the social side of it is enjoyable. The laughable rng nonsense passed off as fun and devs constantly ignoring feedback not so much

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The guild is pretty much only reason why still playing. Multiple members are also complaining but after 3 years it became more active and we’re in the top 50 of guilds on the Switch. So feel more obligated to continue cause of that.
Though at same time it’s in the back of my head to just step down and have someone else take over the guild.

After what was already mentioned and how the game continues to pretty much go downhill it’s just hard to enjoy it all. With the insulting “catch up compensation” having been a major issue to just not trust the devs at all anymore while also with all the new messed up additions things feel more like a chore then fun.

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They did mention that it would maybe be possible to pull some of those missed weapoms forward in the Soulforge but even if they did we got nothing to really be able to purchase it anyway unless saved.

Even with all the Chaos Shards and other keys still don’t have all missed troops that nornally would have gotten from weekly events. There was also the issue with certain troops not being available after the synch with a long wait period to have that fixed. So wasted keys as well as some troops i wanted could not be gotten at that time.

It has become clear that the devs just want to take and not give anything back to (loyal) players. Even if it wouldn’t costs them really anything but would gain favor which is important for the health of the game.

Well, uh, at least everyone on Switch is being treated equally. Quite poorly mind you, but equally.

Sadly, Switch is the forgotten orphan child among GoW platforms.

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This x1000! Games are meant to be enjoyed. If you’re not enjoying a game, don’t force yourself to play it. Find a different game you do enjoy!

Most F2P games (or businesses in general) are designed to make money by making you as the player WANT to spend money to get ahead, beat an opponent, top a leaderboard, complete a collection, etc. Are there ways businesses take this too far and risk promoting gambling to children for a quick buck, as an example? Certainly.

Far easier to change than the very nature of businesses, however, is our own personal attiitudes and thought processes around monetized features. Do we need to top the leaderboard? Does it really matter if we don’t own all the troops? Do we need to do all the “daily chores” every day?

Maybe it’s okay to not play for a day, or a week, or ever. Maybe it’s okay to not play the game in the most optimal way possible. Maybe it’s okay to not be in the top 1% of players. Maybe chasing the ever-moving carrot IS the game, rather than a necessary annoyance.

And if it’s not fun for you, chasing that carrot? Find something that is fun for you. Give another game a try, anywhere from Stardew Valley to Elden Ring. IP2 (like any business) tempts you to spend money/time, but YOU are in charge of how much you spend, if anything.

Let me get off my soap box now. :joy:

(Well, okay, relevant side note - I’m a long-time fan of Minecraft and have recently started a single player world where the whole point is to play suboptimally and not rush things. It’s the most fun I’ve had with the game in ages. It’s also on my YouTube channel, if you’re interested! :wink::laughing:)


Well said, @NerdieBirdie, it’s because of the great community on the forums, in discord, and with my guild, that I keep going. It’s very similar to why I kept playing Blizzard games, despite the many updates and disrespect from the developers.

GOW has always had an amazing sense of community, despite the hardships we face. We gather data, predict the future, help each other out, and post bug reports because we care about each other. (It’s a bit corny, but u get the idea).:rofl:

This game has lasted this long because of us–not them. Money isn’t everything and knowledge is power! Half the battle is knowing–the other half is the battle…


Thanks for all the replies. Wasn’t even really chasing the highest things but as guild leader wanted to be helping the lower guild members as much as possible. Which pretty much has been made impossible with all the extra unneeded things that were added.

Do play other games which have been more fun lately with newer updates and easier to pick up without fomo.
This week not much time for gaming because of Games Done Quick anyway lol

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I still mostly enjoy it. My biggest two beefs is there is often too much to do and well… rando dragon nonsense.

It’s an older game that has been trying way too hard to attract tons of newbies and pad the game with crap they can monetize. But if you keep your cool and ignore what doesn’t matter, there is still plenty to love.

Side note to tptb… GoW is never going to be the next great new thing because its now an old thing. We vets would love to support this game if you give us a good reason. Also, most of us vets will take very very good care of the newbies that wander in. We need them as much as you do. Just… sayin’