PVP Premium Season Pass tomorrow?

So, will the PVP Premium Season pass become available for purchase on Nintendo Switch tomorrow? Can anyone from support confirm or deny?


Even if it would become available wouldn’t buy it unless for some reason you’re happy with all the different paid passes and changes they made recently.

That said they have proven countless of times not to care about us Switch players and even insulted us with that “catch up gift” that didn’t even put a dent in things we’ve missed by of the synchronizing.

So doubt there’s a priority to get this fixed though it will give them money from the few that do buy it so who knows, they might actually make it work faster. Just don’t get your hopes up though it will be anytime soon.


Yes, I know the treatment to us switchplayer is beyond disappointing.

I am at level 1550 and have played daily for years. If the price for the premium pass is fair for its content it could perhaps persuade me to continue with GOW for some time. If the pass is not becoming available I really see no point in continuing playing at all as I won´t be able to clear the seasons assigment in a reasonable way.

At reset still not able to purchase the pass. One would think that they actually wanted players to spend money so this is totally ridiculous in so many ways…

Years and years with GOW, now at level 1547. I´m out.


I’m just bumping this thread because I saw that our lovely lion was here recently.:heart:

@Kafka is there any ETA on when Nintendo Switch will have the pvp season pass and other money offers available?

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I don’t even care if we get the offers yet. I would just like the Season pass.

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I would like the season pass to be purchasable.
I completed it in the first week.
Edit: just saw it was available.