As suspected turning off combo breaker was a terrible idea

Using Blizzard as an example is only more of a reason to avoid it. The only thing they have done successfully is make games that cater to and addict <14 year olds because of their watered-down gameplay.

Plus, I’ll never forgive them for f***ing up the Diablo franchise!

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I think they did a pretty decent job on HS, but…

… i’m with you on this.

All things considered the A.I Combo Breaker is a “watered-down” style of gameplay, it works for casual play while people get a grasp of the game dynamics, but for a intended Competitive PVP things should be harder.

Hey now, you can s**t on Blizzard because they destroyed WoW and Diablo but those were really good games at their time and Hearthstone still is, as so it’s their ranking system, also Overwatch (aka D-VA’s game :3) looks awesome. Please forget about god awful HoS…

Ps: Can’t say anything about Starcraft, never actually played it.

Some players like more of a challenge.
Some do not.
I like to play a challenging game , and other times i dont.
Having a choice is the way it should be.


This game is inherently a more “difficult” game than others in it’s genre (Puzzle) because, despite how most players play, there’s an in-depth strategy to it.

There is a reason why you can make so many Teams, so you can build counters to any Team you face, which you can see easily with a paltry 50 Gold (Scout). If you truely can’t figure out a counter (or simply don’t want to) you can just change opponent for even less, 10 Gold!


I do wonder about the people that quote the same old “goblin” complaint. With the changes I now scout my opponents more than before cos with my old setup i felt godlike but it all got nerfed…no moaning about how unfair that was to me…how i wanted how it was before when I could win with less effort on my part.

So when I see on my scout a goblin team be it myth or lesser I smile and load up my gob chomper team and a short time later I have a simple win and onto the next.

I try to understand the other side of this arguement maybe if you wish to play on easy ( oops normal) mode, as was suggested non-competitive gameplay should get less reward.

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While I only use one team at a time, I completly agree with you, and if what you want is “fun” and not only winning, trying out new teams, combos and well timed mechanics, could probably be a start.

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For what it’s worth (I’m on Console, a much simpler version without Team bonuses and Traits) I use 1 Team for all of my PvP matches as well.

How you do it? I wouldn’t play on consoles knowing about how the PC/Mobile version looks much more better… XD

Keeper of Souls
with the Khaziel banner

Wins easily 99% of PvP matches with little to no effort.

This was a “reply” for me, not sure if I should ask something… :a

The ladder needs a massive overhaul anyway. Whats the point of 15-rank system where 95 percent of your player base sits at rank 1. The other 5 percent is scattered somewhere on the other ranks, not because they would be worse players or had worse decks, but because they didnt have enough time in that particular week to grind all they way to rank 1.

Thats not a representative ladder, thats a joke.

Turning off the combo breaker didnt make any difference in that regard. Anyone who wants to commit, can get to rank 1 with or without the combo breaker anyway. All that this achieved was make the grind (playing more games for resources after you achieve rank 1) more tedious and annoying.


In personal feeling is that it makes the game more based on luck than on skill, in a very annoying way. I’ve played a few PvP fights on rank 1 with a non-transformer team, I’ll chalk it down as a horrible exercise in patience. I don’t recall ever having seen so many lucky matches dropping in from off the board, often leading to several cascades in sequence. Somehow that cascade sound cranking up to yet another AI bonus map incoming makes me want to smash my keyboard, or at least has me yelling “GET ON WITH IT!!!” at my screen.

Mind you, this is all selective perception, I do seem to have collected less happy and more unhappy memories than during previous sessions. I suppose it wouldn’t be as bad if it worked the other way round, preventing players from getting lucky cascades instead of giving lucky cascades to the AI. That would increase the time I get to play the game and decrease the time I’m forced to watch the AI playing. At least give us another speed setting, “Instant”, which just instantly warps to whatever the board would look like after the dust settles.

Well, I for my part will stick to quests and challenges. That’s what I did almost the entire week anyway.

And the glory I miss because of not playing PVP anymore: Treasure Hunt and Tributes compensate that easily.

PVP is just useless for someone like me.

For me this issue is not about winning or losing or difficulty or any of that. I (used to) play with the combo-breaker on because I don’t enjoy watching the AI team take forever to finish it’s turn. It is not a fun or engaging experience sitting there twiddling your thumbs waiting for your next opportunity to play again. I can’t remember the last time I Alt-F4’d out of a match because I thought I might lose. Every time I’ve done that in recent memory it’s because “Ugh this is taking forever, forget it.”

Yes @Sirrian when there is no combo-breaker then the player and AI are on an even playing field when it comes to winning or losing a match. But, when the player is benefiting by the lucky drops there isn’t a human being on the other end sitting there bored out of their skull while it happens. The AI doesn’t care how long the player’s turn takes. When the AI takes a bunch of turns because of lucky drops I am no longer playing the game, just watching and waiting until I get to be engaged in the game again. That isn’t any fun. Sometimes it feels like I need another phone game to play during the downtime of this one, lol.

If you must keep the combo-breaker off then I’d really love to have a button that just skips to the end of the AI turn chain, or an option to make AI turns move at 50x the normal speed or something.


Exactly my problem too. For me it’s pretty demoralizing to see the amounts of mana gained in their turns.

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This is why I think it’s a better idea to have a Combo Breaker ON that affects both the player and AI! it would allow more planning and strategic gameplay in my opinion. AI doesn’t get ridiculously long chains and mana dumps but you don’t either. Seems to be a fair solution to me…


That would be fine for advanced players, but then I expect that the beginning players (for whom I suspect the developers intended the AI combo-breaker) will have serious issues…

It would stil give the players an upperhand since they can plan if they should combine 3 skulls or get mana or do a more effective attack/spell. The A.I can’t play perfectly and plan ahead, it will always look for 4 or more gems combinations, then skulls and then use skills/spells.
I’m also bored sometimes when the A.I cascades a lot, but while i don’t have better troops to finish the battles quickly i’m sort of ok with it and accepted that as part of the challenge.

Replying to opening post… @Macawi’s views…

Done quite a lot of PVP since 109 hit and concluded the following:

  • fundamentally agree with the principle that this should still be an option
  • personally hasn’t affected me as much as I thought it would
  • yes I have noticed the odd battle go wrong when a sudden cascade kills my first troop, and/or fills all the enemies’ spells - and on one occasion had to retreat (read: exit app) when a cascade filled Bone Dragon and Sheggra from nowhere and they proceeded to chew through three of my troops (I was 4:2 troops up, went to 1:2 while I just watched)
  • but for me personally, I have enough stats and traits (being a proverbial big fish here) that I can recover from the odd setback, and usually steamroll every game easily
  • changes to the meta game and new strength of AoE damage is making for shorter games
  • and the combo-breaker is irrelevant if the AI never gets a turn, so have noticed no difference at all with my control team decks
  • yet - I still suspect this will be having a very bad impact on most players - who don’t have the resources and team strength that us highest level players have

Would welcome more feedback from low to mid tier players…