Are you enjoying the new PvP?

. I have two accounts,; one of them ftp and the other one i regularly buy the passes…

The latest paid pass for pvp left me with such a bitter distaste in my mouth that i decided to go ftp for my second account…

The pass felt like a fleecing of the playerbase, in both money and time.its actually made me play less pvp and less of the game overall.

There are those who will say you dont have to play pvp and you dont have to buy the paid pass, and i cant argue with that. Theyre absolutely right.

But that doesnt change the fact that there are many of us out there who feel like we’re being milked and what was once a fun game is no longer the case.


The vp mountain is too much. With the paid season pass i still need 560k to get my glacyia to level 200.

And then you are going to reset it and make us do it all over again?

@Kafka your “pvp engagement” is going to drop off a cliff. Gems of war is not a JOB. The devs have lost their ever loving minds


I was out of the “race” months ago. About 20 % of the playerbase is having fun with it tho, lets forget about the 80 %.

While I agree with a lot of what you say and am suffering from burnout myself, the problem is there are enough retired people, housewives, security guards and job-free people to actually do this. Every week my League board looks like this or worse…which brings up the question why am I in this kind of board every week and others are not?

This is nothing! I’ll do you one better.

That’s from 24h ago.

I gave up on the idea of competing for even no. 3 spot in the bubble - last week was exactly the same. These 30-people bubbles used to be a fun idea, bringing a little equality among the player base, especially for those players who can’t afford the time to compete for top global LB spots. Not. Any. More… :frowning:


Mine isnt bad at all. I could get top 3 with 40k i think. But thats absurd. No idea what determines where you go.

I wish it would place you based on your activity the week prior.

The Gutting of daily gold marks is so stupid. Literally get like… 30 a day now.