Is next PvP season going to suck as well?

So tomorrow is the start of the new PvP season. If they don’t make any changes that players have mentioned multiple times, without a response from devs, then PvP is going to suck again for sure in my opinion.
Which is a pity as there is potential and some of the changes are nice. Though am very cynical about the upcoming season and without any changes PvP will suck alot for sure again.
If only the devs/cm would learn to properly adress things then might have had some hope.

So what is everyone else their opinion?

  • It will be good
  • It will be bad
  • Don’t care

Curious how others see PvP :yum:

I’m expecting nothing different. So the VP goal will remain at a ludicrous level, Burning Chests will be mostly garbage, I’m also expecting there be no additional PvP goals meaning the majority will still require a special daily token to progress; so zero catch-up if you are free-to-play and start too late, or happen to lose too many times. Also certain the new Immortal will follow Empyrion’s targetting issue, failing to complete a full cast of three hits if a target dies early.

There has been too much of an awkward silence from the developers for me to believe there’ll be any real improvements.

Oh, and VP still based on player level instead of team score. This one will never make sense to me.


The radio silence from devs in regards to changes will mean its shite. It’s unforgivable that they put silver marks as a reward for paid for content. Absolute garbage


It’s really unfortunate that the devs haven’t helped out the community to make pvp less if a grind, but it’s probably going to take a lot of time and development.

There is a long list of changes that need to happen but won’t happen until next year maybe, and I will try to list them here:

• Removing the VP requirement for alliance ranks so that we don’t have to keep ranking up every new season. (We get to keep our loyalty days, so either let us keep our VP or remove that requirement)
• Burning chests being more rewarding (remove marks and pvp icons from the drop pool)
• Pvp season goals being reworked so that there is more leniency and clarity when completing them (you have to manually collect rewards so that it unlocks the next tier for example and vanguard has strict requirements)
• A complete overhaul of the pvp shop. All talismans should cost silver marks to make them more accessible. The pvp seasonal mythic should cost silver marks (maybe 5,000?).
• Monolith sigils should automatically be acquired everyday (a lot like event sigils), and the cap should be removed. Hunting down valhawks everyday is tedious and unnecessary.

There’s just a lot to go over, and I know there are things that I have missed or other ideas I haven’t explored yet. But we all know that all of our feedback and suggestions won’t even be considered. I find it helpful to express my thoughts, even if I know that nothing is going to happen…


If they made matching fairer I’d be happy. So sick of wasting gems trying to find an opponent I can actually compete with. On the plus side, not participating in PvP just now does give me more time to spend on guild stuff!

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Since I never considered buying Burning Marks for real money this season, I never looked at the shop option for any meaningful amount of time.

The buyer gets 50 Burning Marks for $9.99, which is essentially 10 Burning Marks for $2 for 1 chest pull.

The buyer has a 52% chance to get Marks or Icons, both of which you don’t want to open with your money.

They’re also limited to 2 purchases a week.

This purchase doesn’t fit for microtransaction buyers and it doesn’t fit the gacha chasers… I really don’t get who designs the pricing in this game.


Expecting nothing to have changed. Will have to pay to get the immortal to 20 and even then you need 560k vp.

I can confirm that the burning chests are still mostly dryer lint.


Dryer lint might be more useful to me.

Six chests opened earlier today. One with a Bronze Icon, one with Gold Marks, four with Silver Marks.

This would bother me if I hadn’t already mentally checked out of this process. But since the developers insist on this roulette wheel that greatly favors the house and a list of “goals” for a “PvP season” that are largely unobtainable by somebody who isn’t going to whale and/or spend several hours a day working at it, I’ve stopped giving a (darn).


Silver marks from burning chests are awful.


I’ve opened 11 so far. 3 had silver icon, 3 had bronze icon, 3 had gold marks, 1 had silver marks and 1 had a thimble of immortal souls (for immortal glaycia.)


Horrible for the newest, rarest, most scarce, most valuable currency currently in the game to give such trash.


No significant changes for the new season. I feel stupid for spending money, because I’ve rewarded them for something that was not well executed. I encourage everyone to stop spending money, hitting their bottom line is, unfortunately, the best way to send a message.


Give it a year or so, and the system will evolve in some player-friendly way. Probably not the most requested of those ways or in momentous amounts, but the developers have been decent at improving access to new currencies over time.

They just attempt to wring every last penny out of their whales before they start doing so.

It’s RNG. 15-16 chests I opened so far certainly weren’t garbage for me. Yeah I got some silver marks and some Icons, but I also got the new immortal +50 souls for it, and I got souls for Lucifa, Titanius, Virago, Empiryon and Aquaria. I mean, you know that RNG can be real bitch in this game. That’s why I am level 1229 and have only 8 mythics that I pulled from chests and didn’t craft. And those are mostly garbage. A whole lot of people in my clan got the latest mythic, and I just can’t get it, regardless of what I spend. It’s just rotten luck. It has to get better at some point :woozy_face:

so for $22 us dollars, you got 10? immortal glaycia souls. so much value, wow.


I’m going to try to say this without sounding snarky :crossed_fingers:

1229 is a ways back in my rearview mirror. I’m more than a little familiar with the rng in this game. (Lookin at YOU, cosmic dragons! :eyes:) The issue here, is that “dryer lint” is in these chests at ALL.

As to new Mythics… Check the probability of each key type and work toward having a stash of 1.5 (or more) x that. (Remember that guild seals are not guild keys, 20 guild seals are.) When you don’t have that stash of keys, commit to a set small number of keys to use and stop. It’s worth trying to get a lucky cheap pull, but not worth it to keep emptying an inadequate supply. Eventually, you will have so many keys that you will just take it for granted that you’ll get the new mythic. (You’ll still be annoyed when it’s expensive, though. haha)


Im not getting the season pass. These immortals are mostly useless. I find that teams not using them perform better.


I wasn’t trying to instruct you on how RNG works, nor was I “bragging” that my level is this and that. I simply wanted to remind you that RNG exists and that while you have problem with burning chests, someone else has problems with something else. I agree that this “lint” shouldn’t be in the burning chests, but you don’t really expect that devs would be good like that, do you? RNG is the only way they will make people take the shortcut and buy what they need.