Silver Marks in Burning Chests (a poll)

  • Remove Silver Marks from Burning Chests
  • Keep Silver Marks in Burning Chests
0 voters

I know it’s already been said a bazillion times on here but I’m really shooting for that “50 likes” badge and this may be the topic that gets it for me :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Thank you for starting a poll @McDoubleDad, but I think the real problem with burning chests is that they should be just like shiny keys. Gold marks are useful, but it’s probably easier just to remove everything else besides immortal tokens because Pvp icons are a terrible resource as well.

The idea for immortals was a great one, but it was ruined by a marketing scheme designed to make players spend more money. Let us upgrade Immortals more reliably without this nonsense.


Alternatively, silver/gold marks could have a chance be given on top of any given pull, adding sprinkles on top of the ice cream instead of just receiving a few sprinkles in your bowl.


I’m always up for some more sprinkles, but the ice cream now tastes like you’re eating something you scrapped off the bottom of an old freezer…


are you sure its ice cream? might want to check the expiration date


Get rid of the icons too. If its paid content it should be souls only, maybe gold marks just for the books. Anything else is trash


I have gotten so many silver marks it is not even funny… Definitely needs to be gone out of the drop pool…


I would have been fine with Silver Marks if every Burning Chest was guaranteed Immortal Souls plus any one item from the extended loot pool, but since it doesn’t work like that they make for a waste of a chest. I’d hate to grind through the VP goal, for example, and be rewarded with a few Silver Marks.

Keeping my Burning Chests shut until they’re improved, if ever.


Silver marks shouldn’t be there in the first place.

If you should have it, then I suggest it should be along with the souls of any immortal troop. Shouldn’t reward players with basically useless things and garbage.


another option is to provide another way to easily obtain burning marks, such as adding a 10 to 20 burning mark reward for hitting the weekly goal.


Agreed - having Burning operate the same as Shiny would be great!


I just think that something went horribly wrong when they were developing burning chests. Here’s how the scene probably played out…

“Hey guys! We should introduce new troops to help out newer players because we nerfed journey troops, and it’s difficult for them to get mythics.”

“Great idea! Shiny keys make epic troops better, so let’s add a new currency just like that so newer players can get powerful troops if they dedicate themselves to pvp!”

Marketing team enters the room

"Hey! Let’s add silver marks and these pvp icons that no one wants so that newer players can’t get those immortal troops as easily!

Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle

“Great idea! We will have this new update ready by next quarter!”



Silver marks should be removed from burning chests. As much like trait stones and Cedric in the Vault rewards, they are simply there to dilute the reward pool so that its harder to get anything worthwhile. Plus these are supposed to be a limited type chest just like the shiny chest that we can’t farm for “keys” to open. We only get so many burning marks per season and getting them is such a grind to begin with.

I don’t know why anyone would waste any actual money on anything in the pvp shop that gives you burning marks, when 50%-75% of the time the reward is silver marks. Its literally a slap to the face.

Why would I spend $10-$20 on the burning marks pack in the shop, when I know that at minimum 5 of those chests are going to give me silver marks. That is a waste of money.

I’ll take the 200 burning marks that I can get from the free season reward pass and whatever I get from attempting to complete the season goals. As there is no incentive to buy burning marks or the premium pvp pass for me.

But I guess the “whale” players out there have no problem with this or else we wouldn’t keep getting these types of cash grabs if they weren’t shelling out the money for them.


If the number of burning marks will remain as limited as it is - silver marks must go.

BUT if we get a way to get more burning marks per season than the current extremely limited number, a way to farm them repeatedly, then I could tolerate a small chance for them - like in all other chests, we get some goodies, but we also get some fillers. But the current drop rate of silver marks is far too high! But the issue is that with very limited tries and no way to get more without spending money on top of the pass - anything that doesn’t help with progression of the immortals feels like a slap in the face (same as Underspire sentinels, ugggh).

I don’t mind icons - they help me to play less PvP than I’d otherwise need (and saves time for other non-GoW activities).


I second the “sprinkles” option!

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Icons & Marks in the “sprinkles” category?


Silver marks have absolutely no business being in burning chests and must be removed at once.


I’ve stopped opening Burning Chests until something is done! Won’t risk getting “burned” lol


I won’t open any burning chests either, and I’ve recommended my guildmates to do the same.

And, of course, I’m not buying the season pass, because I don’t need silver marks.


I’ve also held off on opening them.

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