Are you enjoying the new PvP?

I think everyone in this game has gotten your message by now. Babysitting people on the forum that have a different opinion than you won’t change their opinion. :sweat_smile: :laughing:


I think the special gems are needed. It breaks up the monotony of the gameplay. Players are starting to mix up their teams to accommodate the special gems. So it’s no longer a super borefest copy/pasta teams.


While that’s true, it’s always good to remind the devs that the issue is the mode.

Nerfing troops etc is easy. Fixing a mode is hard. Only thing we can do is try to make them understand a nerf isn’t the answer. And then hope…


Heres what i think of your “pvp engagement” @Kafka

I played near 1000 matches last week. Now i do enough fights to get the monolith birds.

After how tone deaf the devs have been its killed my enthusiasm for this game. And honestly your “pvp engagement is up” comment is what did it. It smacked of “pride and accomplishment” from ea. Just completely missing the problem. Pvp engagement i imagine is going to fall off a cliff this week.

Stop whistling past the graveyard and realize that the game is not in a healthy state.


Going to quit when Campaign ends, but only because i bought the pass…


If pvp engagement is up, it’s because it’s the only reliable way to get certain resources. Before I stopped playing, I was trying to get in the top 3 every week for the gold marks, and it certainly wasn’t because I like the mode, nor was it even remotely worth the effort. That and the fact the game has been pushing it so much, people feel they have to be doing it.


So was i. No more

The good news is that you no longer have to run that particular hamster wheel for Gold Marks. You can net at least an equivalent number if you win the available Sentinel/quasi-Guild Wars battles on the five days they’re available plus the gold marks available from those areas the next day through “ordinary” PvP play.

The “Top 3 for bonus Gold Marks” is still around, but it’s less necessary to force that if you take advantage of the other opportunities that have been made available to players.

YES - I AM enjoying the new PvP

I have played this game every day since 2014 so have seen it develop and evolve and I have all the troops bar 2 Sentinels and Kukulkan.

The new PvP has encouraged me to make 64 unique teams (so far) to suit the required region parameters of colour, kingdom and troop type.

Often I have dusted off and enjoyed using troops I have never used previously. Quite the departure from the meta snoozefest of the old pvp where one team fit all and facing the same old same old.

I have never cared about defense teams. Is it even a thing ?

I don’t mind the special gems except the mana potions which slow the matches down way too much.

I like dropping in to PvP land most days and collecting some easy gold marks. It’s surprising how they stack up.

Why isn’t anyone talking about the Victory Talisman that doubles the VP ?
An average 250 VP from Blood Frenzy is 4 matches per 1000 - hardly grinding.

I like that the Season Pass is divided in to 2k chunks which sets an easy goal.

Some of the Immortals will no doubt be a challenge to face when they grow up but there will be a way to beat them. There alway is.

As for the Season Pass - no wringing of hands or clutching pearls here.
To buy or not to buy ? It is optional of course. For the season it works out at £1.34 a week or less than 20 pence a day for all those lovely shiny new toys. Ooooh - go on then !

A few technicalities to overcome still but in the main it is far far far better than the PvP I used to endure.

This is my response to the question.
There is no reason to debate any of the points above
Please respect my opinions.

I do not care one jot about being top 3 on the board. I do not understand the obsession relating to this. Been there. done that. End of. Moving on. :sunglasses:

I do not need to manually enter the numbers to re-post one of the 63 teams. I do use the teams feature to apply them. It seems that some know it alls (down there) do not actually know much at all :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I am glad you like the new PVP, however the problem is the 80 % that doesn’t like it.

You’ve spelt your name wrong Syrrian…

Oh there is a reason to debate them and I will because your opinion is a small minority and it seems the devs take a few positive reviews as most people being happy. So let’s deconstruct your opinion. You can’t post your opinion and say “don’t debate it k?”

  1. So do I, the majority do not have everything. This isn’t an argument for pvp.

  2. 64 teams. This is something almost nobody is going to do I’d wager. Especially since teams are not saved and you can’t use the teams feature to just pop them in. You have to put them in one by one. Again, not a positive argument.

  3. Nobody is complaining about defense teams. Not a positive argument for pvp.

  4. Agree with your point on special gems.

5)Agree on the gold marks from the citadel battles and kingdoms, but this isn’t for top 3. That takes a LOT of work.

  1. VP talismans. You are limited by how many monoliths you can do. You can buy more monoliths for real money or use gold marks on them. Much better things to use gold marks on. And here’s the thing. Hardly grinding? Don’t make me laugh. You see, there’s something called “other players” in this game that use those too. With VP talismans you get about 1000 vp per 4-5 matches as you say. That’s great…well other players are doing that too and to get top 3, last week I had to do almost 1000 matches. Of bloodfrenzy. So your opinion about “Hardly grinding” is completely invalid if you want top 3.

  2. Immortals. The only way to reliably counter them is with themselves, and in blood frenzy, that still puts you at a disadvantage. You can’t slow them down or gimp them like stellarix. (I’m not calling for a nerf, but many players will find these troops very hard to deal with. I don’t personally but many will.)

  3. Praising ANOTHER season pass in this game (they already have the campaign pass) is an opinion that absolutely should not be shared by anyone else because it encourages MORE season passes. Sure you can do the free one…but those rewards pale to the paid. Season passes aren’t a good thing when there already are season passes in the game.

And I’ll add another thing that you conveniently left out about not being a grind. you need 560k to finish one of the goals. That’s 560,000. As in Five hundred sixty THOUSAND. VP talismans are a drop in the ocean on that. I did 1000 matches last week and I still have over 200k to go. I didn’t mention the 800k goal because its absurd to even think about that one. The game isn’t a job.

This is not meant to insult you personally. But you can’t just write an opinion that is so contrary to what most people on this forum hold and then say “There’s no reason to debate the points above.” That’s not how message boards work.

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On that: there was an Honest Rob video last week that suggested using Ullor and/or Null Sphere to de-fang them by stripping their magic.

Oh it’s still totally a massive borefest. But I agree with the idea that some of a special gems can let some strategy sneak in. Which is always good. The potion gems are pretty flat out ridiculous. I think there might be a mistake with the drop rate, though?

Anyway, the reason I say its still a borefest is that the entire thing boils down to how many pvp battles can you grind per day. That’s it. Whoever has the most time, least real life responsibilities, highest personal tolerance for doing the same thing over and over and over, wins.


Not everyone is strong enough to do blood frenzy zones.


and even if you are its a massive grind to get top 3

Are the rewards for a top-3 placement really worth that much grind?

For my part, I decided: no. I can get gold marks much more easily from alliance citadel + reward battles. Getting a top-3 placement would be a nice bonus if it happens from normal play but I’m not going to expend huge extra effort chasing it.


No, Maisie. It is absolutely not worth grinding to the top 3 on the board for 120 gold marks when we can now get them easily elsewhere during the week.
I don’t understand the obsession with it.
Sad really :rofl:

I do. People need goals. The current carrots for end-gamers are: 1. immortals 2. underspire sentinels 3. kingdom power levels requiring books of deeds. Grinding to top 3 doesn’t help with the first two, but it does help for no. 3 -100 GM for 1 random book. While the pace at which the books can be earned/bought is still slow, slower than it actually makes a dent in the number of books needed, getting to top 3 in diamond league STILL gives an extra book per week. It’s better to have that one book than not have it, right?

I would chase top3 (usually no. 3, 90 GMs is nearly one full book) spot nearly every week before the season reset and the last update. Right now the top 3 people this week are so far away from anything that I have the time for in a week that I decided I won’t bother any more, unless the general situation calms down in a week or two. Especially after last week - I finished fourth, missing third spot by about 500 VP (2-3 battles with a victory talisman in blood frenzy zone!) - I got a work call half an hour before weekly reset and it took up the majority of that half hour, and I just didn’t have enough time left to get ahead. To say that I was unhappy and discouraged is to say nothing. I’d lie if I said that I don’t want that reward from top 3. Even more so, I think lower ranks in the 30-people bubble, even if it is only, say, 15 GMs for places 4-10 and another 5 or 10 for placing in non-demotion zone, should be getting a lower amount of GMs as common courtesy for people who just can’t afford to play for this many VP per week. Right now it’s there’s a huge gap between 90 and 0 (in diamond league).

