Wondering if the troops were in the chest rotation? I have open several chest today and not received a single new troop.
Yes, I got them all but the Epic and Legendary one.
2 of the troops are yet to be released (probably as event troops next week) and are not in the chests although you can meet them in the Leonis storyline though.
I really hope it is next week. Pride Guard was the one troop from Leonis I REALLY wanted.
I pulled 5/6 out of chests this morning - just missing the Epic. Which I assume I get by finishing the quest line?
Aren’t you a dev? I kinda thought your job was to know these things…
Console dev, maybe he is lost!
on pc mobile, they definitely are.
I received the epic as well as the legendary from glory chests moments ago.
Might want to make sure you close app completely, restart and log on… to make sure you have latest update.
There are different types of knowledge. Experience & Design can often diverge in interesting ways, for example.
You only got one common from the chest for this kingdom?
Thanks for the confirmation all. I guess my iPad air 2 is unlucky.
DEMONorANGEL, what’s your confirmation for PC or mobile?

what’s your confirmation for PC or mobile?
Considering PC and Mobile are the same server, I’m going to assume both.
If you can not see the picture he posted, i have bad news for you. f5
Yes it’s both